The library kindly asks to not practice on the piano, and only play if you actually know it

The library kindly asks to not practice on the piano, and only play if you actually know it
You have to ask an employee for the piano's key. It's an upright piano. (Você tem que pedir a um funcionário a chave do piano. É um piano vertical).
there are two of them (both public but in questionable conditions)
The piano is located inside this shopping, in a place called "Praça Gourmet" nearby some restaurants and it is available to the public.
numa salinha antes dos banheiros
The hall has a grand piano. The sound isn't great because of where it's located, but it works! ;)
It's out of tune, old, the sustain pedal doesn't work for some bass notes.
Fritz Dobbert aberto ao público de segunda a sexta, durante o período letivo da USP, o dia todo e começo da noite.