pianos.pub - Find a public piano to play.

Updated 2 years ago

  • 2 years ago

    Playing on the old Joanna, the flypaper Bechstein Back in Huddersfield at Dai Hall yesterday sitting in the gallery. I tinkled the ivories just enough to a woo a passerby to come in and do it better and then the whole thing took off developing into a festive atmosphere with a bunch of people who had never met before. That’s the power of music to draw people together. Keep music live, eh! Josh Montali on keyboards in this clip Thanks to Ignazio Ferrara, @joshmontali_music Baby Josh Uma Le Mona Fae and Sho Campbell and the other lass whose name I haven’t got written down - come back and see us soon LAST DAY OF THE EXHIBITION @orin_isegun #amehudd #amespaceuk #daihall #bechstein #keepmusiclive #musicforthepeople #danceinpublic #artgalleries #huddersfieldart #huddersfield #visithuddersfield #experimentalfilm #contemporarymusic #vocalist #performance #experimentalmusic #improvisation

Address: The Lawrence Batley Theatre, Queen Street, Springwood, Aspley, Huddersfield, Kirklees, West Yorkshire, Yorkshire and the Humber, England, HD1 2SQ, United Kingdom

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