pianos.pub - Find a public piano to play.

Updated 1 week ago

  • 4 years ago

    When that one key is not working 🙁😂...I love public instruments which anyone may try out. This is a really cool open to play piano at the central station in @stadtkassel #20daysoffocus . #20daysoffocuschallenge #publicpiano #publicpianos #pianoplayer #brokenkey #metalheadcommunity #femalepianist #femalesinger #publicmusic #streetmusic #streetmusician #streetmusicians #pianomusic #kassel #kasselcity #kasselgirl #femalemusicians #centralstation #musicanslife #musicismedicine #musiconworldoff #musicistheanswer #freemusic #freepiano #musicalinstruments #publicinstruments #lovewhatwedo #musicianslife #musicianlifestyle

Address: KEMPER SYSTEM GmbH & Co. KG, Holländische Straße, Obervellmar, Vellmar, Niestetal, Landkreis Kassel, Hesse, 34246, Germany

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Available 1 week ago.
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