pianos.pub - Find a public piano to play.

Updated 10 months ago

  • 5 years ago

    Play Me I’m Yours. Come play all the pianos in Brisbane Square as part of the Queensland Music Festival. #pmiybne #qldmusicfestival #playmeimyours #brisbane #brisbanecity #mybrisbane #thisisbrisbane #loveyoubrisbane #visitbrisbane #discoverbrisbane #bne #justshootqld #justshootqueensland #ihopinbrisbane #queenslandweekender #travelqld #brisbanephotographer #canonau #qld #discoverqueensland #piano #pianoman #music #artsqld #festival #brisbanecitycouncil

Address: Brisbane Square, 266, George Street, Brisbane City, Queensland, 4000, Australia

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Not available 10 months ago.

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