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  • 9 years ago

    #PressPlay ▶️ 🎶 Very superstitious 🎶 @kelvinnewmusic #PublicPianoNS #TVOH #KelvinMuïs #StevieWonder #Cover #TheVoice #TheVoiceOfHolland #DHCS #DenHaag #TheHague #CentralStation #CS #CentraalStation #Agga #070 #Piano #VerySuperstitious #Live #Music
  • 9 years ago

    #PressPlay ▶️ 🎶 Don't stop 'til you get enough 🎶 @kelvinnewmusic #PublicPianoNS #TVOH #KelvinMuïs #TheJacksons #Cover #TheVoice #TheVoiceOfHolland #DHCS #DenHaag #TheHague #CentralStation #CS #CentraalStation #Agga #070 #Piano #DontStopTilYouGetEnough #Live #Music
  • 9 years ago

    #PressPlay ▶️ Earlier today at The Hague Central Station: @kelvinnewmusic singing live 🎶 Billie Jean 🎶 #PublicPianoNS #TVOH #KelvinMuïs #BillieJean #MichaelJackson #Cover #TheVoice #TheVoiceOfHolland #DHCS #DenHaag #TheHague #DenHaagCS #CentraalStation #CentralStation #CS #Piano #Live #Music

Address: Curaçaohuis, Prinsegracht, Kortenbos, Centrum, The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands, 2512EZ, Netherlands


Available after the train gates

―Rw ( 7 months ago )


Available 7 months ago.
Available 2 years ago.

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