pianos.pub - Find a public piano to play.

Updated 2 years ago

  • 2 years ago

    Tolsztojnak igaza volt, a zene a legnagyobb kerítő, a legveszedelmesebb csábító. Az értelem szűkölni kezd, mikor zenét hall. A zene értelemellenes. Nem megérteni akar, mint az értelem, hanem szétáradni, feldúlni, lefegyverezni, elcsábítani, megérinti bennünk a titkosat és fájdalmasat, feltárja azt, amit oly gondosan rejtettünk magunk elől, minden eszközzel fegyelmeztünk – olyan, mint a tavaszi vadvíz, feldúlja az értelem által aggályosan parcellázott, megművelt és megmunkált, szabályozott és fegyelmezett területeket. Ahová a zene kiárad, ott az értelem törvényei nem érvényesek többé. … Márai Sándor: Füveskönyv
  • 2 years ago

    . お出かけ先にストリートピアノがあると嬉しくなります☺️ 子も鍵盤をさわりたがるのでマフラーペダルを踏んで… 先日アラベスク第1番を弾いてたら人が集まってきてド緊張。 人影がピアノの蓋に映るんですよね。見ないで…そっと弾かせて…  月の光を少しだけ弾いた時にはムシューが「Debussy 😉👍」と微笑んでくれました。ドビュッシーはフランスの人だし好きな人も多いのかな?    もっといろいろ弾きたいけど暗譜で弾けるレパートリーがない😂 ストリートピアノで楽譜を置いて弾くのはマナー的にあんまり…ですよね…? 最近のポップスをメロディーと和音で弾いて楽しむ方もいて素敵だった。  いいな〜楽譜を見ながら弾くことを学んできた私にはうらやましく見える🥹  私もついにコード進行の勉強しようかな…    #ストリートピアノ #publicpiano #ピアノのある暮らし
  • 2 years ago

    #stickemup #sombrero #parisiancaballero #streetart #graffiti #graffitiart #reading #books #streetsofparis #blancnoir #siene #sweater #sweaterweather #paris #crepes #crepetastic #paintedpiano #piano
  • 2 years ago

    セーヌ川の橋の上でピアノを弾いている人がいた𰀪rtsonさん? Street pianist on Seine river. #streetpiano
  • 3 years ago

    #publicpiano #pianocover #mozart #usa #espa༚ #newyork #madrid
  • 3 years ago

    x ABAY - KO’ZIMNIN’ QARASY #сыграймнеалматинец #playmeimyours @melomankaz
  • 3 years ago

    Every morning brings a new hope together with new opportunities and with new stories to our life. Every morning comes with a new story with a new feeling with new emotions and desires and compassion. Every morning is a moment of exploring our own sensuous sexuality and erotic feelings just by gently touching our own self especially their where the energy is #bwcontrasts #goodmorningvibes #erotic #eroticromance #eroticpoetry #eroticwriting #eroticwriter #eroticfiction #eroticos #eróticos #eróticos #bw #bwphoto #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhitephoto #bwphotography #touchyourself #feelingsmatter #playme #playmeimyours #selfportraitphotography #selfportraits #selfportraiture #seminude #touchme #legslegslegs #legsfetish #legs #sexytime #mybodymychoice
  • 3 years ago

    #canon4000d #canonphotography #canon4000d1855mm #canon #lightroommobile #lightroom #photoshop #photography #photo #street #streetstyle #streetphotography #streetmusic #paris #parisphotography #parisfrance #musicphotography #music #piano #streetpiano
  • 3 years ago

    #bnw #bnwphotography #streetstyle #streetphotographers #streetphotography #piano #streetstyle #street #streetdreamsmag #streetclassics #streetlife #streetwearfashion #streetframe #straatfotografie #straat #straat #straatportret #streetmusic #streetmusician #streetpiano #streetpianoparis #paris
  • 3 years ago

    Bon souvenir avec @jefaerosol lors du festival \
  • 3 years ago

    كُونوا كجمال ضوء القمر الذي يجعلنا ظلالاً لصوت الأطفال وألحان الســـــــلام #malekjandali #pianosforpeace
  • 3 years ago

    . I have been following this incredible artist many years, his artworks are powerful , each time i see this one I always have to stop and watch for long time, its feel so realistic that I feel the child his sharing a powerful message to the world, now is up to us what we want hear from this child , i keep my thought for myself because i feel this child can have a personal conversation with each of us, i believe many feel similar connection in they own personal views.... ONE LOVE @Street art alley /Ernesto Novo&Skio .Expo visible jusqu’à mi-février. Ernesto Novo Ernesto NOVO parisian painter. #art #Canvas #acrylique #face #visages #lunes #colorfull #streetpiano #artforchange #artforall #ernestonovo #streetart #powerfulart #child #childsoldiers #childsoldier #childsoldiersnomore
  • 4 years ago

    “Un piano doit être un ami, c'est-à-dire un confident qui essuie nos rages.” 𠇊 piano must be a friend, that is to say a confidant who wipes our rages.” #felixleclerc #citationcél຋re #famousquote #piano #pianoonthestreet #freepiano #pianoman #music #freemusic #musiconthestreet #lifeismusic #paris #musicinparis #blackandwhite #oldpic #photo #photography #photographie #photographe #photographer #shooting #picbyme #followmypic #dailyphoto #passionphoto #photographeamateur #artphotography #streetview #picstreet #audetourdunerue
  • 4 years ago

    XXI-X-2017 Souvenirs émouvants... des pianos en libre service dans les rues de Paris 🇫🇷🍃👏 - #playmeparis #streetart #streetartistry #streetartparis #playmeimyours #jardindacclimatation #parismaville #parisstreetart #arturbain #fotodecalle #photoderue #mividaenunfeed #passionphotography #parisphotography #thecultureoftravel #fotosdeparis #parisfoto #deviaje #topparisphoto #lugaresconencanto #parisenespañol #mypariswishlist #viajerosporelmundo #travelphotography #nikonistas #parisjetaime #mylittleparis #nikoncolombia #parismonamour #cuarentenafotografica
  • 4 years ago

    26.01 - when we could appreciate some piano in le Marais and nobody gave a damn about the 1-meter rule #piano #pianointhestreet #paris #streetofparis #marais #parisian #life #interlude
  • 4 years ago

    #scottjoplin #ilest5hparisseveille #anangelisgoinghome #passedaway #quelquesnotesdamour #larueenchantee #listentoyoursoul #piano #streetpiano
  • 5 years ago

    Sometimes you just want to drag your piano on the road and play music in the middle of paris. Hahaha well this guys did it. #music #paris #streetpiano #musicians
  • 5 years ago

    ✨Happy Birthday Liszt! ✨ • Here’s a fun Parisian moment in your honor.🎂 (I 💕 train station pianos) Thanks for revolutionizing piano technique, inventing the solo piano performance in profile as we know, and being literally the first rockstar :) among many other cool things. Some have judged your fireworks while not understanding the pure simplicity within, and so they miss the absolute range and energy, all which actually makes the journey through the lyrical and the subtle that much more in your music... #lisztomania Brb I’m going to play some of your pieces in concert tonight🚀 🎹💜🎶
  • 5 years ago

    ✨Happy Birthday Liszt! ✨ • Here’s a fun Parisian moment in your honor.🎂 (I 💕 train station pianos) Thanks for revolutionizing piano technique, inventing the solo piano performance in profile as we know, and being literally the first rockstar :) among many other cool things. Some have judged your fireworks while not understanding the pure simplicity within, and so they miss the absolute range and energy, all which actually makes the journey through the lyrical and the subtle that much more in your music... #lisztomania Brb I’m going to play some of your pieces in concert tonight🚀 🎹💜🎶
  • 5 years ago

    #publicpiano #paris #travel #traveling #meeting #france #pakistan
  • 5 years ago

    Nous avons hâte de vous retrouver le 21 septembre dans la @villedeboulognebillancourt ! Voici un souvenir de l'édition 2013 de @playmefrance, le concert du très grand pianiste @jamiecullumfans 🌞 #concerts #musique #pop #classique #classicmusic #playmeparis #playmeimyours #streetpiano #concert #music #musician #boulognebillancourt #paris
  • 5 years ago

    Who gives away a piano??? A neighbor put a piano out for the trash today, and every single person that passed it has been playing it! Here is one I really enjoyed! . . . . #pianoonthestreet #paris #blues #spontinaity #joyinthecity
  • 5 years ago

    #pianoengare #liszt #sospiro #harmoniesdusoir #pianoonthestreet
  • 5 years ago

    L’amour peut-être en 2019 mais pas sûr 😐 avec il maestro @kidsaredead #pianolibreservice #3000000devues #publicpiano #yamahapiano
  • 6 years ago

    Work in Colors ! #work #workplace #coloryourlife #colors #piano #streetpiano #artwork #lukejerram #playmeimyours #paris
  • 6 years ago

    Well, I was convinced by my friends to play the piano in front of public and I keep reminding myself to calm down and enjoy. I look so awkward in this picture isn’t it? But that will be fine as soon as I get used to it hahaha😄 #enjoythejourney #pianolover #piano #parisfrance #paris #relax #playingpiano #travelblog #lifestyle #music #calmdown #enjoythemusic #publicpiano #chilltime #travel #photographer Sep 19, 2018
  • 6 years ago

    #pianoderue #bercyvillageparis #paris #france #piano #playmeimyours
  • 6 years ago

    #viajandopelomundo #curitibanopelomundo #travel #travellingtroughtheworld #travellovers #travelawesome #ilovetravel #euadoroviajar #instapic #instaphoto #instatravel #instacool #lugaresparavisitar #tripspicsandtips #paris #pianointhestreet #france #aroundouroyster
  • 6 years ago

    I also debuted in Paris... https://youtu.be/M6VKBX75MMM #paris #byuabroad #studyabroad #publicpiano #freepiano #free #music #airport #terminal #airfrance #originalsong #originalmusic #singersongwriter
  • 6 years ago

    When you play, never mind who listens to you.- R.S. #ccphotobook
  • 6 years ago

    #paris #montmartre #france #sacrecoeur #sacrecoeurParis #parissacrecoeur #montmartresacrecoeur #parispiano #parispublicpiano #parispianopublic #publicpiano #rivedroite #parisrivedroite #parisphoto #photoparis #photosdeparis
  • 6 years ago

    #paris #montmartre #france #sacrecoeur #sacrecoeurParis #parissacrecoeur #montmartresacrecoeur #parispiano #parispublicpiano #parispianopublic #publicpiano #rivedroite #parisrivedroite #parisphoto #photoparis #photosdeparis
  • 7 years ago

    Public pianos are the best😍 ➡ Double tap if agree !!!! ⬅ #piano #public #instamusic #musician #artist #paris #publicpiano #discover #musicaddict #musicoverseas
  • 7 years ago

    I played a song on this airport piano and improvised for a little bit on basic chords.
  • 7 years ago

    🇫🇷Play me I'm yours@paris🎹🎶 #freestyle #france #paris #playmeimyours #versaceonthefloor #viajar
  • 7 years ago

    I found a Piano in Paris..... 🎶🥐🎵 #playmeimyours #piano #paris🇫🇷 #sacrecoeur #chopin #chopinetude #knowmymistakes #spontaniousadventures
  • 7 years ago

    📍Play me 🎹| @playmeparis @jardindacclimatation #imyours #playme #paintings #outside #streetart #streetartparis #artyday #playmeimyours #piano #painters #markers #painting #colorfull #paris #parisart #playmeparis #jardindacclimatation #fondationlouisvuitton #boisdeboulogne
  • 7 years ago

    "Play me I'm yours". Приглашает меня познакомиться поближе. Потрепанное, расстроенное, ждущее тепла прикосновений пианино ❤ Ты думаешь, что овладеваешь им, но нет. Это оно владеет тобой... #streetpiano #streetpianoparis
  • 7 years ago

    Tbt to the most spontaneous and satisfying shoot of my life with @helena_nisser 😘 #piano #project #shoot #videoshoot #sofuckingart #music #trailer #l4l #like4like #polishgirl #art #paris #parisshoot #playmeimyours #avousdejouer
  • 7 years ago

    🎼...Note de rue #piano #musique #musiquederue #streetmusic #instagramparis #paris #topfrancephotos #topparisphotos #photoofthedays #nikon📷 #nikonphoto #kodakmoments #pianointhestreet #parismusic #music #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhite #instragram #instagood #instagramphoto #ig_street #ig_photo #streetblackandwhite #streetphotographer #shotoftheday #note #super_france #urban #urbanstreet
  • 7 years ago

    🎼...Note de rue #piano #musique #musiquederue #streetmusic #instagramparis #paris #topfrancephotos #topparisphotos #photoofthedays #nikon📷 #nikonphoto #kodakmoments #pianointhestreet #parismusic #music #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhite #instragram #instagood #instagramphoto #ig_street #ig_photo #streetblackandwhite #streetphotographer #shotoftheday #note #super_france #urban #urbanstreet
  • 8 years ago

    When #Paris gives you artsy vibes. The count down to my last creative connections is like 5 days or something *cries* #piano #streetpianoparis #tb
  • 8 years ago

    #streetpianosparis #paris #musicparis #musiqueparis
  • 8 years ago

    Took a big whiff of my coffee this morning and the smell instantly reminded me of my time in Paris. This picture was taken during the #playmeimyours phenomenon in 2012 when pianos could be found in hallways and sidewalks all around the world. I've been playing piano since I was 6, so getting to tickle the ivories in France during my lunch break was very poetic. #streetpiano #paris #france #travel #travelstagram #instagood #travelblog #travelblogger #studyabroad #music #piano #streetperformer #ootd #streetpianoparis
  • 9 years ago

    13/09/2015 Okay! #streetpiano #streetpianoparis #paris #imagine #johnlennon #piano
  • 9 years ago

    13/09/2015 Okay! #streetpiano #streetpianoparis #paris #imagine #johnlennon #piano
  • 10 years ago

    #Play #me #I #m #yours #beautiful #day #travelling #voyage #Paris #holidays #envisitantParis #laplusbelle #interrail2014 #artist #music #streetpianoParis 😍💙🎹🎶

Address: Administration Générale de l'Assistance Publique, Quai de Gesvres, Beaubourg, Quartier Saint-Merri, 4th Arrondissement, Paris, Ile-de-France, Metropolitan France, 75004, France

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Not available 2 years ago.

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