Another important step towards the online release of Mission To Earth! The full film was previewed yesterday at the Global Social Business Summit. This unique group of people has become a strong influence on our work and has supported us in our journey many times! Special moment. Thanks @lukas_poswagga for the warm intro and the MCs for the Qɪ #mte #missiontoearth #wearenyado #wehadtogoback #nyado #makethisplanetgreatagain #green #sustainability #sustainabledevelopment #climatechange #climatejustice #2020 #consciousliving #earth #bewatly #sustainableliving #artforchange #musicforchange #danceforchange #anthemsforchange #singforhope.
Address: Cafe Moskau, Karl-Marx-Allee, Mitte, Berlin, 10178, Germany
― ( 8 months ago )
Available 9 months ago.
Available 2 years ago.