School holidays are here again! Come play with the Lim siblings pianos, now at SMU Subway! #playitforwardsg #smusg #brasbasahbugis #bbburbaninstallations #subway #ourfaveplacesg.
~ Achievement Unlocked: Play "Mentera Semerah Padi" on a piano ~ #IGSG #SGIG #Piano #Cover #MNasir #InstaSG #LionCity #ILoveSG #Malaysia #Singapore #ExploreSG #StreetPiano #MonarchSG #MySingapore #PlayItForward #StreetPianoSG #StreetPianosSG #PlayItForwardSG #ExploreSingapore @PlayItForward.SG #MuzzyTheExplorer #MuzzyThePianoGuy #MenteraSemerahPadi.
Re:minisce l Spot these miniature humans and houses #brasbasahbugis #bbburbaninstallations #playitforwardsg #sgsmu @playitforward.sg.
小小人住在鋼琴裡。他們會每天為你彈奏一首曲子嗎?Little people staying in a piano. Would they play you a song everyday? A little discovery at a street piano. Think this is one of the best piano art seen at various public spaces. http://streetpianos.com/singapore2016/ #piano #architecture #lines #keys #humanfigures #figures #models #streetpiano #streetpianosg #art.
Address: Singapore Management University Campus, Victoria Street, Museum, Central, 178892, Singapore
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