The completed piano! The Enchanted Forest piano is in place at NIOMA 4680 Queen St, Niagara Falls created by Elemental Sculpture Artist Torena Gardner-Durdle of Fae Nature, featuring sheet music composed by Gary Girouard. Come check it out and share your photos and videos at #NFPlay for a chance to WIN $300! #NFPlay #playplayplay!!!niagarafalls #queenstreetnf #paintedpiano #faenature #nioma #nakedpiano #niagarafallsartandculture #woodlandband #elfconductor.
#NFPlay The Enchanted Forest Piano transformation has begun! #faenature #playplayplay!!!niagarafalls #queenstreetnf #paintedpianoproject.
Address: 4673, St Lawrence Avenue, Niagara Falls, Niagara Region, Golden Horseshoe, Ontario, L2E 4B9, Canada
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