pianos.pub - Find a public piano to play.

Updated 3 years ago

  • 3 years ago

    Somewhere in her smile she knows that I don't need no other lover 🎶 I'm accidentally having a Beatles moment. Bought a Beatles songbook that arrived the same week that I showed Across the Universe to someone who'd never seen it before, and damn I hadn't seen it in a decade myself. I bawled most of the way through it. #thebeatles #something #somethinginthewayshemoves #bluepiano #paintedpiano #jacksonvillefl #duval #pianoteacher #boldcitymusicco #musiclife
  • 6 years ago

    How cool is this idea?! 🎹Tag a freind with a piano! I think I know what I’m using my piano for when I’m done with it!! 🎨Local friend used this in her shop @lets_inspire_workshop as a bar Swipe to see what she did with the missing keys and another bar piano idea! . . . . . #pianobar #repurposedpiano #bar #diybar #piano #diyproject #pianokeys #paintedpiano #coffee #wine #multitaskingpiano #repurposedfurniture #reno

Address: 17, East Monroe Street, Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida, 32202, United States

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