There is a piano at Amsterdam central station that everybody who wants to can play with. Take four minutes to listen to this wonderful @adele cover🙏💯🥳 Someone like you❤🥰🎶🎵 Played by: Thomas Krüger - Mr. Pianoman / @thomaskrueger.official Isnt it beautiful? #Amsterdam #amstergram #amsterdamcentraal #amsterdamcentralstation #beautiful #day #cities #destination #travelgoals #travelling #thomaskruegerpianoman #piano #amsterdampiano #music #beautyofamsterdam #thisisamsterdam #playingpiano #publicmusic #publicpianos #someonelikeyou #adelechallenge #adelecover #adele #ilove #love #netherlands #iloveamsterdam.
Address: Nederlands Instituut voor Forensische Psychiatrie en Psychologie, 5, Herman Gorterstraat, Dichterswijk, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3511EW, Netherlands
Near spoor 2a. It's up stairs. Yes it it still there just tucked away in the corner
―Jack ( 2 years ago )
Not available 2 years ago.
Available 2 years ago.
Not available 3 years ago.