2-6-22 Let me get a few disclaimers out of the way- > I had the WRONG mic input, so all the vids from today are SOOOO BAD 😭😭 > Yup, I'm at Livingston Mall playing piano! I saw some pianos that were playable, and made the impulsive decision to play on the spot :D > I played for memory (for Bohemian Rhapsody and Arabesque,) and forgot half of everything I played- But thanks to the people who decided to listen! It really motivates me to continue pursuing this passion 🙃😀 #piano #classicalmusic #classicalpiano #classicalmusiccover #acousticpiano #yamaha #yamahapiano #pianosonata #music #pianist #musician #pianoplayer #pianista #pianosolo #pianopractice #practice #pianoplaying #cello #cellist #cellopractice #lingling40hours #publicpiano.
Address: Livingston Mall, Eisenhower Parkway, Livingston, Essex County, New Jersey, 07932, United States
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