Picking up the Boogie very nicely! Find Ben Toury if you get to France and invite Ladyva if you're in Switzerland. Find her favourite piano train station! 😀Makes great Youtube clips. Best of times Taiyo, you deserve it..
音がちゃんと出なかったアムステルダム中央駅の駅ピアノ… 1年半前にはキレイに鳴っていたんだけどな #オランダのストリートピアノ #stationpiano #amsterdamcentraal #stationpiano (31/3/2021CET).
今年の元旦アムステルダム中央駅の駅ピアノで、ものはっぱさんのピアノアレンジ「あんたがたどこさ」を弾いてみた。 日本ぽい曲を海外で弾いてみたかったんだよね。 でない音がいくつかあって仕上がりもイマイチだったのでオランダ行ったらまたリベンジしたい Japanese nursery rhyme "Antagatadokosa" arranged by MonoHappa (@m0n0happa ). His music sounds are amazing! Please listen on Youtube. https://youtu.be/yyKqPJV68k0 #ネットピアニスト #ものはっぱ #pianocover #publicpiano #nurseryrhymes #pianogram #playpiano #pianospelen #klavierspielen #amsterdamcentraalstation #amsterdamcentralstation.
密かな夢だったストリートピアノ! ニューシネマパラダイスの曲♪♪ 通りすがりの人が拍手してくれる雰囲気がすき #streetpiano.
Amsterdam Centraal heeft hem gelukkig wel staan..... een piano...... beter dan Almere Muziekwijk...😂🤣 Groeten van Gijs. #gijsopreis #stationspiano #stationpiano #stationamsterdamcentraal #mcn #nsonline #ns #treinleven.
Oh! Darling... 🎼 Music brings love and everyone together ❤️ #valentinesday #gigstarter.
MARIT 🎻🎹🎤 - ALL I ASK #alliask #adele @adele #cover #coversong #covering #musiclove #music #musician #ilovemusic #vocal #vocaliste #popsinger #pop #singer #singing #ilovesinging #publicpiano #pianolover #pianoplayer #ilovepiano #pianiste #mesinging #happy #happiness #stationpiano #amsterdam #piano #iloveamsterdam #jazz #vocaljazz.
MARIT 🎻🎹🎤 - ALL I ASK #alliask #adele @adele #cover #coversong #covering #musiclove #music #musician #ilovemusic #vocal #vocaliste #popsinger #pop #singer #singing #ilovesinging #publicpiano #pianolover #pianoplayer #ilovepiano #pianiste #mesinging #happy #happiness #stationpiano #amsterdam #piano #iloveamsterdam #jazz #vocaljazz.
Wanneer Reinbert de Leeuw achter de vleugel kruipt op Amsterdam CS. Check onze stories! 🎶 @ns_online #publicpiano #reinbertdeleeuw #cultuurfondsprijs #oeuvreprijs #bespeelmij #satie #houdmuzieklevend #muziekvooriedereen #musicforeverybody 📸@lightatwork.
This was the most fun station piano session, 4 days ago!! 🎹🔥one big jam and some random guy even grabbed his trumpet and played some killer melodies 🎺 • • • • • #NathanGreen #hotvocals #brilliantmusicians #thegoodvoice #omgvoices #crazygoodvoices #amazingds #allaboutvoices #giftedvoices @thegoodvoice @omgvoices @amazingds @dailysingoff @chorus @giftedvoices @vocalposts @singers @clipsoftalent @tumejorvoz @talant_videos @goldenvoices @talentedmusicians @topvocalist @wowmusicians @litvoices @platinumvoices @vocals @vocalspage @crazyvoicess @buzzvocals @reallyvocals @coverslot @songcovermusic.
#playmeimyours #amsterdam #centralstation #🎹 #piano #musician.
MARIT 🎤🎹🎻 #amsterdam #centralstation #amsterdamcentral #amsterdamcentralstation #piano #pianiste #pianoplayer #lovepiano #pianoplayer #pianokeys #vocal #vocaliste #singing #singer #lovesinging #pop #popmusic #singingpopmusic #singingpop #pianopop #poppiano #proudofmydaughter #proud #courage #performer #performing #public #publicpiano #violinplayer #violiste.
#Countdown 2017-2018 Destination is Nowhere but ∞ https://dot-dance-music.lnk.to/feukSID https://youtu.be/L6sNXdMwLUE #離境 #Departure #Airport #EDM #StreetPiano #PlayMeImYours 🎹 #MusicJourney #MusicTourism #TimeTravel #Progressive #Trance #Hardstyle #NewMusic by #TOMOHICO ∞ #Tokyo2020 #どっとダンス #無限音樂 #硬派音樂 #Supershy #極度害臊.
I love the pianos availlable in dutch train stations for anyone to play. Amazing talents can be listened. Behind me is a brave talented player that is sharing is talent with the world #piano #trainstation #centraalstation #freepianons #shareyourtalent #publicpianons #music #holand #minimi #amsterdam #amsterdamcity.
Ik blijf toch genieten van de piano's op stations in Nederland. Al zoveel leuke muzikale mensen mogen ontmoeten en muziek mee mogen maken, wat was dit ook gaaf zeg 😍 @nietroxanne @jeremygarciaofficial #piano #amsterdam #pianoamsterdam #stationpiano #canthelpfallinginlove #makingmusic #pianoplaying #singing.
オランダの主要駅には「公衆ピアノ」が設置してあって、道行く人がふと立ち止まってピアノを弾いて去っていく。「Play Me.I'm Yours」というプロジェクトらしい。みんな結構上手いし、涼しい顔して弾いて立ち去るのがかっこいい。素敵な試み。白井さんにも弾いてもらいたい。 #dutch #amsterdam #station #streetpiano #playmeimyours #8millionkami.
Beste stationspianist 2016 / Best station pianist 2016 #publicpianoNS #ns #treinleven CS #trein #treinleven #piano #ns #ns_online #pianomusic #music #pianoman #pianoplayer #prorail #dutch_connextion #ov #streetphoto #streetphotography #straatfoto #straatfotografie #pianist #ig_discover_holland.
Address: 4a, Michiel de Ruijtertunnel, Centrum, Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands, 1012AA, Netherlands
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