pianos.pub - Find a public piano to play.

  • 3 years ago

    Just a quaint moment with random (but gifted) people in a small East Coast town. #music #piano #streetlife #outdoorpiano #newengland #newhampshire #travel #travelphotography #voyager #scènederue #musique
  • 5 years ago

    Thank you @nashua_telegraph for the article about our 2020 #nashuastreetpiano artists!
  • 5 years ago

    Congratulations to our February #studentofthemonth Caroline @gyalita ! Caroline has been taking voice and piano lessons at North Main Music for about 4 years. Caroline writes a lot of her own music and performed on one of the #nashuastreetpianos during the 2019 #tasteofdownnashua. - Congratulations, Caroline, and keep up the great work!
  • 5 years ago

    We are thrilled to announce the winners of the 2020 #nashuastreetpianos #calltoartists: the Future Fine Artists program at @bgcgn ! Click on the link in our bio to read the press release. - #streetpianos #streetart #nashunh #bgcgn #boysandgirlsclub #newhampshireartists #musiccommunity #lovenashua #nashuanh #supportyoungartists #artchangeslives #disruptthesidewalk #doingmusicdifferently #downtownnashua - Photos courtesy of @downtownnashua and @bgcgn
  • 5 years ago

    Thank you for being a friend! We've accomplished a whole lot this year, and we couldn't have done it without the help of our amazing #musiccommunity. From jam-packed #studentconcerts to #rockshows to #nashuastreetpianos and so much more, we enjoy #doingmusicdifferently with you! As we get ready to leave 2019 behind and embrace 2020, we wanted to say thank you to all of our students, families, and friends for your support. What are some of your #musicgoals for the new year? Share them with us in the comments. #northmainmusic #musicschool #nashuanh #nashua #newhampshiremusic #thankyouforbeingafriend #musicgoals2020 #privatemusiclessons #musiclessonsforallages #musicnashua #musiclessonsnashua #pianolessons #voicelessons #guitarlessons #drumlessons #ukelessons #musicchangeslives #seriousfriends
  • 5 years ago

    #attentionartists ! There are less than 2 weeks left to answer our #callforartists for the 2020 #nashuastreetpianos Go to: https://downtownnashua.org/nashua-street-pianos to view the Call for Artists, which contains all the details/requirements/stipulations/etc, or send us a PM to request a pdf copy of the call for artists. . Applications are due by December 31, 2019. . Forever Amber, Great American Downtown, and North Main Music also raise the funding necessary for the project and Darrell’s Music Hall donates the pianos and stores them during the year. To learn more about sponsoring a piano, visit https://downtownnashua.org/nashua-street-pianos. . #northmainmusic #greatamericandowntown #foreveramber #darrellsmusichall #streetpianos #streetart #placemaking #disruptthesidewalk #nashuanh #nashuaareaartists #nashuaarts #arteconomy #downtownarts #streetpianoart #creativeeconomy #artinnewhampshire
  • 5 years ago

    #attentionartists ! There are less than 3 weeks left to answer our #callforartists for the 2020 #nashuastreetpianos Go to: https://downtownnashua.org/nashua-street-pianos to view the Call for Artists, which contains all the details/requirements/stipulations/etc, or send us a PM to request a pdf copy of the call for artists. . Applications are due by December 31, 2019. . Forever Amber, Great American Downtown, and North Main Music also raise the funding necessary for the project and Darrell’s Music Hall donates the pianos and stores them during the year. To learn more about sponsoring a piano, visit https://downtownnashua.org/nashua-street-pianos. . #northmainmusic #greatamericandowntown #foreveramber #darrellsmusichall #streetpianos #streetart #placemaking #disruptthesidewalk #nashuanh #nashuaareaartists #nashuaarts #arteconomy #downtownarts #streetpianoart #creativeeconomy #artinnewhampshire
  • 5 years ago

    Posted @withrepost • @northmainmusic #attentionartists ! There are less than 4 weeks left to answer our #callforartists for the 2020 #nashuastreetpianos Go to: https://downtownnashua.org/nashua-street-pianos to view the Call for Artists, which contains all the details/requirements/stipulations/etc, or send us a PM to request a pdf copy of the call for artists. . Applications are due by December 31, 2019. . Forever Amber, Great American Downtown, and North Main Music also raise the funding necessary for the project and Darrell’s Music Hall donates the pianos and stores them during the year. To learn more about sponsoring a piano, visit https://downtownnashua.org/nashua-street-pianos. #northmainmusic #greatamericandowntown #foreveramber #darrellsmusichall #streetpianos #streetart #placemaking #disruptthesidewalk #nashuanh #nashuaareaartists #nashuaarts #arteconomy #downtownarts #streetpianoart #creativeeconomy #artinnewhampshire
  • 5 years ago

    #attentionartists ! There are less than 4 weeks left to answer our #callforartists for the 2020 #nashuastreetpianos Go to: https://downtownnashua.org/nashua-street-pianos to view the Call for Artists, which contains all the details/requirements/stipulations/etc, or send us a PM to request a pdf copy of the call for artists. . Applications are due by December 31, 2019. . Forever Amber, Great American Downtown, and North Main Music also raise the funding necessary for the project and Darrell’s Music Hall donates the pianos and stores them during the year. To learn more about sponsoring a piano, visit https://downtownnashua.org/nashua-street-pianos. #northmainmusic #greatamericandowntown #foreveramber #darrellsmusichall #streetpianos #streetart #placemaking #disruptthesidewalk #nashuanh #nashuaareaartists #nashuaarts #arteconomy #downtownarts #streetpianoart #creativeeconomy #artinnewhampshire
  • 5 years ago

    We are pleased to announce a Call for Artists for the 2020 Nashua Street Piano project! . Go to https://downtownnashua.org/nashua-street-pianos to view the Call for Artists, which contains all the details/requirements/stipulations/etc, or send us a PM to request a pdf copy of the call for artists. . Applications are due by December 31, 2019. . Forever Amber, Great American Downtown, and North Main Music also raise the funding necessary for the project and Darrell’s Music Hall donates the pianos and stores them during the year. To learn more about sponsoring a piano, visit https://downtownnashua.org/nashua-street-pianos. #nashuastreetpianos #callforartists #northmainmusic #greatamericandowntown #foreveramber #darrellsmusichall #streetpianos #streetart #placemaking #disruptthesidewalk #nashuanh #nashuaareaartists #nashuaarts #arteconomy #downtownarts #streetpianoart
  • 5 years ago

    We are pleased to announce a Call for Artists for the 2020 Nashua Street Piano project! . Go to https://downtownnashua.org/nashua-street-pianos to view the Call for Artists, which contains all the details/requirements/stipulations/etc, or send us a PM to request a pdf copy of the call for artists. . Applications are due by December 31, 2019. . Forever Amber, Great American Downtown, and North Main Music also raise the funding necessary for the project and Darrell’s Music Hall donates the pianos and stores them during the year. To learn more about sponsoring a piano, visit https://downtownnashua.org/nashua-street-pianos. . #nashuastreetpianos #callforartists #northmainmusic #greatamericandowntown #foreveramber #darrellsmusichall #streetpianos #streetart #placemaking #disruptthesidewalk #nashuanh #nashuaareaartists #nashuaarts #arteconomy #downtownarts #streetpianoart
  • 5 years ago

    In the summer of 2018 I was 18 years old, living in my car, and working a dead end job as a host at a grill in the basement of a hotel. I had just barely graduated high school and had some soul-searching to do. Needing to dump some emotional baggage from recent years, I realized that music was a way out of the pain. So, one night after work, I found this piano outside in downtown Nashua NH and started playing what was on my heart. Before I knew it, I had a crowd of people listening and watching me play. Looking back I realized that they weren't there for the talent or entertainment. They were there for the feeling. The same feeling I felt with every key I touched that resonated my emotions outward. When the last sad, solitary note played, everyone clapped, said thank you, and went about their day. Some stayed for hours to talk about their life and ask about mine and I felt a real connection with every conversation. It was very special to me and, from then on I played whenever I could. I learned so much about myself and other people this way and even inspired some. I am so grateful for this experience . I loved that year. The homelessness, debt, malnutrition... None of it mattered when I played. I look forward to seeing more years like this one. #blessed #piano #music #inspired #love #nashuanh #nh #newhampshire #homeless #2018 #minimalism #pianist #motivated #motivation #storytime #peoplespianoproject
  • 5 years ago

    We are pleased to announce a Call for Artists for the 2020 Nashua Street Piano project! . . Go to https://downtownnashua.org/nashua-street-pianos to view the Call for Artists, which contains all the details/requirements/stipulations/etc, or send us a PM to request a pdf copy of the call for artists. . . Applications are due by December 31, 2019. . . Forever Amber, Great American Downtown, and North Main Music also raise the funding necessary for the project and Darrell’s Music Hall donates the pianos and stores them during the year. To learn more about sponsoring a piano, visit https://downtownnashua.org/nashua-street-pianos. . . #nashuastreetpianos #callforartists #northmainmusic #greatamericandowntown #foreveramber #darrellsmusichall #streetpianos #streetart #placemaking #disruptthesidewalk #nashuanh #nashuaareaartists #nashuaarts #arteconomy #downtownarts #streetpianoart
  • 5 years ago

    Yeah so today was pretty special. Had a good day at work and found one of Nashuas street pianos. All in all it was pretty cool. . . . . . #piano #work #streetpiano #nashua #nashuastreetpiano #monday #love #columbusday #city #urban #travel #urbanexploration #exploration #nh
  • 5 years ago

    We are pleased to announce a Call for Artists for the 2020 Nashua Street Piano project! Go to https://downtownnashua.org/nashua-street-pianos to view the Call for Artists, which contains all the details/requirements/stipulations/etc, or send us a PM to request a pdf copy of the call for artists m. Applications are due by December 31, 2019. Forever Amber, Great American Downtown, and North Main Music also raise the funding necessary for the project and Darrell’s Music Hall donates the pianos and stores them during the year. To learn more about sponsoring a piano, visit https://downtownnashua.org/nashua-street-pianos. #nashuastreetpianos #callforartists #northmainmusic #greatamericandowntown #foreveramber #darrellsmusichall #streetpianos #streetart #placemaking #disruptthesidewalk #nashuanh #nashuaareaartists #nashuaarts #arteconomy #downtownarts #streetpianoart
  • 5 years ago

    Some pics of our #NorthMainMusic superstars @andrewcassmusician , @__jessicabrooke__ , and @caroline_lamar performing on the #NashuaStreetPianos during the 25th annual #TasteofDowntown in this past Wednesday. Special thanks to Great American Downtown for providing our musicians with this wonderful opportunity! #musiccommunity #doingmusicdifferntly #lovenashua #streetmusic #disruptthesidewalk #streetsareforpeople #placemaking #streetpianos #streetart #musiclessons #privatemusiclessons #nashuanh
  • 5 years ago

    The weather is warming up, which means #summer is almost here and with it comes our annual Summer Sizzlin' #CoverContest! For new students who are not familiar, this a fun and creative contest in which we ask you to record a video of your favorite tune and submit it to #NorthMainMusic by July 31. Don't be afraid to get creative in your video--for example, if you play piano, you can make your video while playing one of our #NashuaStreetPianos on Main Street in downtown Nashua. Grand prize is $100, plus you get to record your song in our professional recording studio. So, what are you waiting for? Get started on your video today! #musiccommunity #coversongs #coversongcontest #doingmusicdifferently #musiclessons #summermusic #nashuanh #privatemusiclessons
  • 5 years ago

    Are you headed to #DowntownNashua tomorrow night for the 25th annual #TasteofDowntown event, hosted by @downtownnashua ? Flavors abound, from savory to sweet; there is always something for everyone! This well-known and established, ticketed event draws hundreds of foodies from the region to sample the culinary offerings of downtown Nashua’s best restaurants inside downtown’s fabulous retail and service locations. In addition to the fabulous food and shopping, this event features local musicians, including some #NorthMainMusic performers. @andrewcassmusician , @__jessicabrooke__ , and @caroline_lamar will be doing vocals and piano at each of the three #NashuaStreetPianos during the Taste of Downtown event. So if you'll be out and about in downtown Nashua tomorrow night, be sure to stop by the #streetpianos to listen to them play! #musiccommunity #nashuanh #placemaking #streetmusic #streetart #disruptthesidewalk #musiclessons #privatemusiclessons #mainstreet #piano #pianolessons #musicchangeslives
  • 5 years ago

    #nashuastreetpianos #streetpianos #pianosforthepeople #streetart #streetmusic #placemaking #disruptthesidewalk #downtownnashua #whatsupdowtown #revitalizeordie
  • 5 years ago

    A few pics from the 2019 #NashuaStreetPianos unveiling ceremony on Saturday! Thank you so much to #NorthMainMusic's Sibvon Rose, JessicaBrooke, and Kalina (Sean Lauren Melia) for participating in the ceremony this year. And thank you to all of our partners and sponsors who make this project possible. --with Darrell's Music Hall, Piano Gallery, Forever Amber, Great American Downtown, Positive Street Art, Eaton and Berube Insurance, Daniel O'Donnell Realty Nashua Wallpaper, Hazy Ice Cream LLC, Gottesman & Hollis Professional Association, Cindy Rosenwald, Enterprise Bank, Jeanne D'Arc Credit Union, The Lannan Company, Inc., Melton Associates, Persian Rug Gallery, Tommy James Parnell #streetpianos #streetart #streetmusic #musiccommunity #placemaking #communityproject #downtownnashua #pianosforthepeople #musicchangeslives #sidewalklife #disruptthesidewalk #laboroflove #makemusic
  • 5 years ago

    Today is the day! #dogood #dogoodfeelgood #dogoodforothers #thisplacematters #pianosonthestreet
  • 5 years ago

    Today's the day--the unveiling of the #NashuaStreetPianos for the 2019 season! Please join us at Bicentennial Park (next to the #MainStreet bridge) at 11 AM this morning for a brief ceremony in celebration of the 4th year of this beloved #placemakingproject. Special thanks to @nashua_telegraph for the article in this week's Encore section! #streetpianos #streetart #streetmusic #pianosonmainstreet #pianosforthepeople #communityproject #ittakesavillage #nashuanh #downtownnashua #maythefourth --with Darrell's Music Hall, Piano Gallery, Forever Amber, @downtownnashua and @positivestreetart Photo by Scott Baker
  • 5 years ago

    We're just one day away from the 2019 #NashuaStreetPianos unveiling ceremony. We hope you can join us at 11 AM at Bicentennial Park (next to the #MainStreet bridge), for the ceremony.\n\nAs promised, we're announcing that JessicaBrooke will be the second #NorthMainMusic student to perform at the ceremony. \nJessica takes voice and piano lessons with Sibvon Rose and she was NMM #StudentoftheMonth in January 2019.\n\nJessica will be performing both vocals and piano for the song \
  • 5 years ago

    The #NashuaStreetPianos will make their 2019 #MainStreet debut in just 2 days--Saturday 5/4! Meet the artists painting the third piano for this year, Cecilia Ulibarri @justce and \nManuel Phelany Ramirez @phelany23 !\n\nCecilia and Manny are cofounders of @positivestreetart , a local nonprofit organization whose mission is to inspire passion for urban arts in a productive way and to build stronger communities through educational workshops, artistic services and community events. Since 2012, Positive Street Arts has been fulfilling this mission and will continue to do so by strengthening our connections, serving our community and beautifying our streets through public art. \
  • 5 years ago

    The 2019 #NashuaStreetPianos unveiling ceremony is just 5 days away. #NorthMainMusic will have 2 students performing songs at the ceremony. @kalinazvoice will once again return to the unveiling ceremony this year! Click on the link in our profile for a sneak peak at the song she'll be performing. Who is the other NMM student performing on Saturday, you ask??? ...stay tuned for the announcement later this week! #streetpianos #doingmusicdifferently #musiccommunity #musicchangeslives #skyscraper #voicelessons #pianolessons #musiclessons #nashuanh #pianosonmainstreet #pianosforthepeople
  • 5 years ago

    The #NashuaStreetPianos unveiling ceremony is less than 2 weeks away (Saturday 5/4)! Meet Jessica Parker & Nate Theriault, the dynamic art duo painting one of the three #streetpianos for 2019. Jessica & Nate painted a street piano in 2016 and we're thrilled to have them back again this year! .\n.\n\nNate is a life-long Nashua resident who has been making art since he was old enough to hold a crayon or a brush. Nate is inspired by street art he encounters, such as stickers or graffiti on buildings, street signs, and by music and the people in his life. According to Nate, he doesn't consider himself an artist: \
  • 5 years ago

    Another sneak peak at a Nashua #streetpiano courtesy of @draven.1528 . . Who’s coming to to unveiling ceremony on 5/4? . Posted @withrepost • @draven.1528 5.4.19 @northmainmusic @tracylee #nashuastreetpianos
  • 5 years ago

    #streetpianos #ittakesavillage #epilepsyawareness #communityprojects #streetart #streetmusic Posted @withrepost • @tracylee Just the Basics . Olivia has been hard at work painting the street piano that will be dedicated to my daughter, Amber, who died in October 2016 at the age of 18. She suffered a #seizure that she did not recover from. This will be the third piano that has been painted and dedicated in her honour. Olivia has been doing an amazing job!! I’m so excited to see the final project, but in the meantime, I am enjoying the process and watching it unfold and be birthed in its time. . Thank you, Olivia 💜 . The unveiling will be on May 4th at 11am in Bicentennial Park next to Darrell’s Music on Main Street in Nashua. . SEE YOU THERE!! . . . . . . #paint #basics #acrylic #streetpaino #nashua #greatamericandowntown #newhampshire #painted #arts #destinationforarts #nh #nashuaart #nashuastreetpianos #newengland #painter #Epilepsy #SUDEP #memorial #endepilepsy
  • 5 years ago

    The #NashuaStreetPianos unveiling ceremony is less than 3 weeks away (Saturday 5/4)! Meet Olivia Horstkotte, the artist painting a #streetpiano in memory of @tracylee daughter, Amber, who died from Sudden Unexpected Death in EPilepsy (SUDEP) in 2016. Olivia is a 19 year old self-taught artist from southern New Hampshire. As a child, she was always drawing and experimenting with different mediums, which led her to where she is now. Most of her newer work has an expressionistic style, but she always holds on to her older realism roots in regards to techniques. Outside of art, Olivia has a love for animals and reptile-keeping. She takes a great deal of inspiration from nature and the world around her. While her personality is, in her own words, most certainly hard-headed and free-spirited, she hopes that her work will always inspire others to explore and express their individuality. You can check out some of Olivia's work on her instagram account: @draven.1528 . Stay tuned for more Nashua Street Piano artist profiles coming your way soon! --with Darrell's Music Hall, Piano Gallery and @downtownnashua #streetart #streetmusic #placemaking #sidewalkart #pianosforthepeople #supportlocalartists #sudep #epilepsyawareness
  • 6 years ago

    As some of you may already know, since 2017 @tracylee has been working with an artist to paint a #nashuastreetpianos piano in memory of her daughter, Amber, who died at age 18 from Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy ( #sudep ). Amber was a talented musician who delighted in the #Streetpianos during the first year of the program. Stay tuned next week, when we’ll be doing a spotlight on Olivia Horskotte @draven.1528, shown here working on Amber’s piano for 2019! #foreveramber #epilepsyawareness #streetart #streetmusic #pianosforthepeople #placemaking #ittakesavillage #communityprojects #musicchangeslives —with @downtownnashua & Darrell’s Music Hall Photo courtesy of Forever Amber Facebook page.
  • 6 years ago

    Thrilled to announce that @acehardwarenashua has just come on board as a #NashuaStreetPiano Tuning Sponsor! Thank you, Ace Hardware Nashua, for your generous support of this fun and unique community #placemaking project. . With Darrell's Music Hall, Piano Gallery, Forever Amber, @downtownnashua , and @positivestreetart . #streetpianos #streetart #sidewalkart #streetmusic #downtownnashua #mainstreet #nashuanh #streetpianoproject #livingstreets #walkablecommunities Photo credit: @acuriousproduction
  • 6 years ago

    The 2019 #NashuaStreetPiano unveiling is less than 5 weeks away! We hope that you will be able to join us on Saturday, May 4, at 11 AM at Bicentennial Park (next to the Main Street Bridge) in downtown Nashua for the big reveal. In the meantime, we wanted to show some love and appreciation for our project partners: Darrell's Music Hall, Piano Gallery, @downtownnashua Forever Amber, & @positivestreetart And our project sponsors: Tuning Sponsors-- @eatonberube @dan1283 (Daniel O'Donnell Realty) @hazyicecreamllc (new in 2019!) . Rain Cover sponsor-- Gottesman & Hollis Professional Association (new in 2019!) . Viva sponsors-- @cindy.rosenwald @enterprisebanking Jeanne D'Arc Credit Union (new in 2019!) The Lannan Company, Inc. Melton Associates (new in 2019!) @prgrugs . Also, big thank you to @tracylee for raising over $1700 in individual contributions through her #ForeverAmber fundraiser this winter! Thank you all, for making the #streetpianos possible for Nashua. We could not do this without you! Photo credit: Scott Baker
  • 6 years ago

    We're are thrilled to announce that Daniel O𠆝onnell Realty @dan1283 and Eaton and Berube Insurance @eatonberube will be returning as Tuning Sponsors for the 2019 #NashuaStreetPianos program! The support of these generous #localbusinesses helps us to keep the pianos tuned and sounding beautiful throughout their season out on Main Street. . . . Thank you, Daniel O'Donnell Realty and Eaton and Berube Insurance! . . #streetpianos #supportlocalbusinesses #placemaking #pianosforthepeople #pianosonmainstreet #sponsorshipmakesthingshappen #shoplocal #eatonandberubeinsurance #danielodonnellrealty --with @downtownnashua and Darrell's Music Hall, Piano Gallery. Photo credit: A Curious Production
  • 6 years ago

    A little good news for your Friday: We're thrilled to announce that, for the fourth year running, we will be partnering with Great American Downtown (@downtownnashua ) and Darrell's Music Hall to bring you the #NashuaStreetPianos ! That's right, the #streetpianos will be returning to #MainStreet once again. Check back here often for updates on the program and #thinkspring! #musiccommunity #northmainmusic #placemaking #pianosforeveryone #musicforeveryone #pianosforthepeople
  • 6 years ago

    Ready for your talents. #citylifestyle #streetpianos #nhlife🌲
  • 6 years ago

    Nashua Farmer’s Market. Got a bunch of yummy fruits and veggies. Goibg to try these mushrooms, though I’ve forgetto what they are called. #skirtsports #skirtsportsambassador #lottabreezecapri #farmersmarket #publicpianos #nashuanh
  • 6 years ago

    Always a pleasure to be hanging out in #downtownnashua & hear someone playing one of our beloved #nashuastreetpianos. Thank you, @davidjsmitty for letting us stop & listen to your beautiful music for a few minutes. #streetpianos #nashuanh #northmainmusic #greatamericandowntown #placemaking #creativespaces #positivestreetart #pianosforthepeople #streetmusic #streetmusician #unicornpiano #sidewalklife #sidewalkart #coffeeandpiano
  • 6 years ago

    It was a beautiful day for the #nashuastreetpianos dedication ceremony on Saturday in #downtownnashua. Thank you, NMM instructor @sibvonsings, and students Kalina and Raina for your beautiful performances. Thank you, also, to @downtownnashua and Darrell’s Music for your partnership this year, as well as to @justce and @phelany23 and all the program’s sponsors and piano artists for making this project possible for the third year in a row! #streetpianos #pianosforthepeople #placemaking #community
  • 7 years ago

    I love my city sometimes. #nashuanh #greatamericandowntown #streetpianoproject
  • 7 years ago

    Beautiful #nashuastreetpianos opening ceremony this morning with @northmainmusic @downtownnashua @positivestreetart @mrpaulshea @sibvon @gardenwithgrace #streetpianos #pianosforthepeople #community #numusefestival
  • 8 years ago

    #northmainmusic students, Stephen and Peter Szyzesynski, will be performing on the Lotus #nashuastreetpianos during the @positivestreetart Hearts & Minds 4th of July Celebration on 7/4. We hope you'll be able to join us for this fun & meaningful event! We've got a summer schedule full of great activities--click the link in our bio for all the details. #nhmusic #livemusic #outdoorconcert #heartsandminds #positivestreetart #nashuanh #muraldedication #downtownnashua
  • 8 years ago

    Tickling the ivory with some \
  • 8 years ago

    #nashuastreetpianos #downtownnashuanh #saturdayfun @downtownnashua
  • 8 years ago

    Only got a few seconds of footage before ran out of space on phone, but here are Billy Steve and Angela warming up for a duet on guitar & #nashuastreetpianos on this beautiful night in #downtownnashua. #streetpianos #streetart #nashuanh #nhmusic #sidewalkart
  • 8 years ago

    Here's @alexfansel and Simon White performing on the #nashuastreetpianos at the 22nd annual #tasteofdowntownnashua last night. We are so proud of our hard working & talented students & alums! Special thanks to @downtownnashua for inviting them to perform at the event! #nhmusic #tasteofdowntown #streetpianos #streetart #musicschool #nashuanh #northmainmusic #downtownnashua #mainstreet #saxophone #piano
  • 8 years ago

    Watch a sneak preview of @nhchronicle 's #nashuastreetpianos story by clicking the link in our bio & be sure to tune in to @wmur9 on Monday, 5/31, at 7 pm, to watch the show! #nhchronicle #mainstreet #streetpianos #nhmusic #newhampshire #nashuanh #downtownnashua #northmainmusic #streetart
  • 8 years ago

    Set your DVR's! NMM's own Andrew Cass will be featured in a @nhchronicle story about the #NashuaStreetPianos on Monday, 5/31, at 7 pm on @wmur9. With @downtownnashua and @positivestreetart #streetart #streetpianos #northmainmusic #downtown #nashua #nhmusic #community #teacherswhocare #mainstreet #nhchronicle
  • 8 years ago

    #Repost @downtownnashua with @repostapp. ・・・ Thanks to the folks at Sweeney Metal Fabricators and Stadium Graphics for putting together some great rain covers for the #NashuaStreetPianos - Shout out to Gate City Graphics for some great artwork, with a little help from the Mt. Pleasant Elementary's 21st Century After School Students who designed the music notes. Thanks to Dave, Chris and Basil for lending a hand with getting them in place!
  • 8 years ago

    If you're out & about in @downtownnashua this am, be on the lookout for @nhchronicle film crew. They will be filming our own Andrew Cass tickling the ivories on the #nashuastreetpianos between 9:30 and 12. Thank you, Sean McDonald & NH Chronicle! We look forward to your upcoming story! #downtown #pianosforthepeople #community #nashualife #downtown #streetart #streetpianos #nhchronicle
  • 8 years ago

    #nashuastreetpianos out in full force on this beautiful spring day. #streetpianos #streetart #nashuanh #nashualife #community #pianosforthepeople #downtown #nhmusic
  • 8 years ago

    Finally supposed to be a clear day. #nashuastreetpianos are out. Come play with us! With @downtownnashua @positivestreetart #dowtownnashua #nhmusic #streetpianos #streetart #pianosforthepeople #musicbringsustogether
  • 8 years ago

    Downtown Nashua - Sights and Sounds Spring Festival - These pianos will be on the street through October for anyone to play. #newhampshirelife #newenglandlife #newhampshire #newengland #nashua #culture #piano #art #octopus #nashuastreetpianos #streetart
  • 8 years ago

    Come and play and sing. Two Nashua street pianos. #NashuaStreetPianos
  • 8 years ago

    Kelina & @sibvon performing the opening song at today's #nashuastreetpianos dedication ceremony. With @downtownnashua. #streetpianos #teacherswhocare #northmainmusic #positivestreetart #nhmusic #piano #voice #brightbyechosmith #bright
  • 8 years ago

    It was a beautiful day for the #nashuastreetpianos dedication ceremony. Special thanks to @sibvon and her fabulous #northmainmusic students for helping to start the pianos off to a great season! #streetpianos #streetart #nashuanh #nhmusic #piano #greatamericandowntown #teacherswhocare #community
  • 8 years ago

    The unveiling of the street pianos downtown. #NashuaStreetPianos.
  • 8 years ago

    #nashuastreetpianos key players. Owning it :-) #downtownnashua #nashuanh #northmainmusic #greatamericandowntown #streetpianos #streetart
  • 9 years ago

    #Repost @downtownnashua with @repostapp. ・・・ A sneak peek at one of two #NashuaStreetPianos that will be dedicated in Downtown Nashua this coming Saturday. This one was painted by Jess Parker and Nate Theriault. Join us for the dedication at the Main Street Bridge at 10:30am when you step out for the Sights & Sounds Spring Arts Festival! 🎉🎼🎹🎹🎹🎹🎼🎉 #downtownnashua #VisitNH #nashuanh #nauticalgin
  • 9 years ago

    Here's another sneak peak at the progress Nate & Jessica are making on painting one of the #NashuaStreetPianos. We are so fortunate to have so many talented and generous people and groups helping us to make this project happen! #streetpianos #streetart #nhmusic #northmainmusic #nashuanh #downtownnashua #sneakpreview #piano #community #ittakesavillage
  • 9 years ago

    Here's a sneak peak at some of the artwork for the #NashuaStreetPianos rain covers. Special thanks to the students of the 21st Century After School program at Mount Pleasant Elementary for making these! #streetpianos #downtownnashua #nashuanh #northmainmusic #greatamericandowntown #streetart #sneakpreview #kidsart #nhmusic
  • 9 years ago

    We are *thrilled* to announce that @eatonberube is our newest tuning sponsor for the #NashuaStreetPianos project! Thank you, Eaton & Berube Insurance. We look forward to our partnership with you! -with @downtownnashua @positivestreetart #nhmusic #northmainmusic #nashuanh #downtownnashua #streetpianos #sidewalkart #streetart #companiesthatcare
  • 9 years ago

    Special thanks to Kelly Sennot & the Hippo Press for the awesome article about the #NashuaStreetPianos! See link to full article in our bio. #streetpianos #nhmusic #northmainmusic #downtownnashua #nashua #piano #musiclessons
  • 9 years ago

    #Nashuastreetpianos are coming to our Downtown! We're teaming up with Great American Downtown (@downtownnashua) to put 2 pianos on Main Street this spring. This piano is awaiting an artistic upgrade from @positivestreetart before it makes its big debut. If you or your company would like to sponsor this fun endeavor, send us a msg. Thank you to our early supporters @prgrugs and @enterprisebanking! Click link in profile for Nashua Telegraph article about the project. #nashua #nhmusic #northmainmusic #greatamericandowntown #streetpianos #piano #downtownnashua

Address: Slade's, 4, West Hollis Street, Ward 4, Nashua, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, 03060, United States

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