昨日のBS空港ピアノは、ノルウェーのオスロ・ガーデモーエン空港🇳🇴✈️✨. . ラストに弾いていたのが、イーグルスの「デスペラード」。. . どこかで耳にしたことはあったけれど、しっかり聴いたのは今回が初めて。. 私が留学した時には、まだピアノは設置されていなかったっけ。. . ノルウェー留学から随分月日は経ったけれど、あの時に経験したことはもう二度と出会えないことばかり。. 例え今同じことをしてみても、全ては違って見えるんだろうな。. . 十分な熱量さえあれば、今すぐ何にでも挑戦できるこの世界。. . 自分の生まれた時代に飛行機があって良かった。. . In Japan , there is a tv program “ A piano at airport “ showing us the people who play a piano which placed inside of the terminal at airport around the world. They place several cameras around the piano and film the random people play it and interview them about theirselves. . This time it was Oslo Gardermoen airport. . A Norwegian teacher arrived from somewhere played ‘Desperado’ in the last scene. He said that he plays the song in front of his students very often. . I’m sure that I’ve heard this song somewhere sometimes, but it was a first time to listen it thoroughly. . It was many years ago when I studied Norwegian in Oslo, then the piano was not there. . I experienced so many great things then, and I know that I can never do the same again any longer. . Even I try doing the same now, everything must be different. . In this world, as long as we have enough passion for it, we can challenge anything from now. . I’m so grateful that I was born in this era which we can fly anywhere with an aircraft. . #空港ピアノ #空港 #オスロ #オスロ空港 #オスロガーデモエン国際空港 #飛行機好き #イーグルス #デスペラード #フィヨルド #ノルウェー #ノルウェー留学 #オスロ大学 #oslo #osloairport #norwegian #oslogardermoen #norway #airport #airportpiano #fjord #fjordsofnorway #i❤️✈️.
Address: Jåttåvågen, Hinna, Stavanger, Rogaland, 4032, Norway
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