After a year of online schooling and almost a year of separation from her piano, we can't walk past opportunities like this! Thank you 🙏🏽 #canberra #pianointhepark #haigpark #visitcanberra #canberralife #abcmyphoto.
Through the drone, notes resonate Overtones meeting the noise Inviting movement with roots from deep within Revealing a thought Discourse in its purest form @shiara.astle 📸@kris_kerehona @haigparkcbr #haigparkcbr #piano #movement #improvisation #performance #public #public2021 #publicpiano #selfreflection #sociallyengagedart #canberra #discourse #music #ngunnawalcountry #ngambricountry #ngunawalcountry Reposted from @crispy_sin.
Address: Shakespeare Hall, Fawkner Street, Braddon, North Canberra, District of Canberra Central, Australian Capital Territory, 2612, Australia
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Available 10 months ago.