Bumping into @tobyjacobsmusic at the Meir was a real highlight of our Antwerp trip a year ago! Listening to him made me realize that even though you are trying to see as much as possible when in a new city, slowing down and just enjoying where you are is much more important than ticking items off your bucket list as fast as possible. The only thing I regret is not buying his album back then! P.S. Sorry for the sneaky picture! 🙈 . . . . . . . . . #travelifesto #antwerpcity #antwerpen #antwerpstreet #pianoonthestreet #tobyjacobsmusic #visitbelgium #helloantwerp #musiconthestreet #traveldeeper #living_europe #europeanculture #antwerpstyle #travellikeagirl #sheisnotlost #girlswhotravel #girlsthatwander #shoppingstreet #meir #thistimelastyear #belgiummusic.
Address: 66, Meir, Theaterbuurt, Antwerp, Flanders, 2000, Belgium
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