pianos.pub - Find a public piano to play.

  • 5 years ago

    We know the value of music - the feelings and emotions it can evoke, and the bliss and calm it can give us when we are playing an instrument. - People with hearing loss often give up on listening to music - and playing - because it can be unpleasant and doesn’t sound the way it used to. - New technology and research has helped hearing aid developers to make some of the most innovative and high quality assistive devices that have ever been available with specific music settings. This can bring the joy of music, and the love of playing instruments, back into your life. - Don’t miss out. Hear the music. www.hearingloss.ca - #music #piano #thesoundofmusic #hearinglossawareness #hardofhearing #hearingimpaired #liveyourbestlife #giftofhearing #hearingaids #hearingaid #hearingloss #hearinglosswontstopme #audiology #audiologist #hearinglossadvocate #accessibility #hearinglossclinic #deafness #lifestyle #bc #alberta #outdoorpiano #allthefeels #hearingaids #flauntyourhearingaids #lifeison #hearingtechnology #hearbetterlivebetter #hearwellstayvital

Address: Crowfoot Business Centre, 400, Crowfoot Crescent NW, Crowfoot Crossing, Arbour Lake, Calgary, Alberta, T3G 5H6, Canada

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