pianos.pub - Find a public piano to play.

Updated 5 years ago

  • 5 years ago

    It so happened that while shooting in Nairobi, Mission to Earth's true star (remember Robin?) had his birthday. So it was natural that we would play the song for him and his pals #makingof #missiontoearth #wearenyado #bday @jaz.brahamson @_edoardosegatofigueroa_ #wehadtogoback #nyado #makethisplanetgreatagain #sustainability #sustainabledevelopment #climatechange #climatejustice #climateaction #globalgoals #consciousliving #earth #bewatly #sustainableliving #artforchange #musicforchange #danceforchange #anthemsforchange #singforhope #wearenexus #climateeducation #environment #environmentalism #environmentpsychology #positivepsychology #BeAnAstronaut #whatsyour2040
  • 5 years ago

    MTE music production team! So glad we got to work with such amazing musicians on Mission to Earth! #makingof #missiontoearth @phyasco @thetimwork @kabaseke @jaz.brahamson @chemutaisage @rixx_producer_kenya #wearenyado #wehadtogoback #nyado #makethisplanetgreatagain #sustainability #sustainabledevelopment #climatechange #climatejustice #climateaction #globalgoals #consciousliving #earth #bewatly #sustainableliving #artforchange #musicforchange #danceforchange #anthemsforchange #singforhope #wearenexus #climateeducation #environment #environmentalism #education #environmentpsychology #positivepsychology #BeAnAstronaut #whatsyour2040
  • 5 years ago

    Idan and producer Tim \
  • 5 years ago

    MTE astronauts take over Africa Nouveau - We may be a fan of Mercury but Earth is still our number one! 😘 #makingof #missiontoearth @africanouveaufest @phyasco @kanducreative #mte #wearenyado #wehadtogoback #nyado #makethisplanetgreatagain #green #sustainability #sustainabledevelopment #climatechange #climatejustice #climateaction #2020 #consciousliving #earth #bewatly #sustainableliving #artforchange #musicforchange #danceforchange #anthemsforchange #singforhope #gameforchange
  • 5 years ago

    #NYADO's MTE series has begun! Take a sneak peak on our previous post and tag someone or some project that you think we should feature on the screens of the @bewatly spaceship! #createadifferentworld #missiontoearth #mte #wearenyado #wehadtogoback #makethisplanetgreatagain #green #sustainability #sustainabledevelopment #climatechange #climatejustice #climateaction #2020 #consciousliving #earth #bewatly #sustainableliving #artforchange #musicforchange #danceforchange #anthemsforchange #singforhope #gameforchange #1000solutions #solarpunk
  • 5 years ago

    Hear ye, hear ye... today NYADO artist, amazing Kenyan singer songwriter Phy, will take over NYADO Instagram from Nairobi!! πŸŽ‰ Phy is a daily inspiration for thousands of people, in East Africa and more and more in other places in the world too. She's a strong leader and influencer, she just graduated in real estate and just gave birth to her first son!! πŸŽ‰πŸšΌπŸŽ‰ She joined NYADO two years ago as the voice and pilot commander of the Mission to Earth music film, which will air in less than a week on all our channels!! πŸŒπŸš€πŸŽ™οΈ This year she started working on more projects in NYADO, while growing her creative and social leadership as artivist and influencer. Today she'll share with us her daily reality and will show us her NYADO perspective on how sustainabile living and climate action are perceived in Kenya. πŸŒ±πŸ‡°πŸ‡ͺ So, with Mission to Earth about to be released and her new experience as a mum, she's gonna share how these two births are changing her life and potentially everyone's. @phyasco #missiontoearth #mte #wearenyado #wehadtogoback #nyado #makethisplanetgreatagain #green #sustainability #sustainabledevelopment #climatechange #climatejustice #2020 #consciousliving #earth #bewatly #sustainableliving #artforchange #musicforchange #danceforchange #anthemsforchange #singforhope #gamechanger #impactproductions #takeover #nyadotakeover
  • 5 years ago

    Mission to Earth may be a scifi music film but it's got a bit of truth to it as well... Check out the mind that inspired the film and the incredible machine he built! @marcoantonioattisani @bewatly @phyasco #missiontoearth #mte #wearenyado #wehadtogoback #nyado #makethisplanetgreatagain #green #sustainability #sustainabledevelopment #climatechange #climatejustice #2020 #consciousliving #earth #bewatly #sustainableliving #artforchange #musicforchange #danceforchange #anthemsforchange #singforhope #gameforchange #solarpunk
  • 5 years ago

    Children are our hope for the future. Let's give them a healthy home. It's time for a Mission to Earth! #missiontoearth #mte #wearenyado #wehadtogoback #nyado #makethisplanetgreatagain #green #sustainability #sustainabledevelopment #climatechange #climatejustice #climateaction #2020 #consciousliving #earth #bewatly #sustainableliving #artforchange #musicforchange #danceforchange #anthemsforchange #singforhope #wearenexus #climateeducation #environment #environmentalism #education #environmentpsychology #positivepsychology #BeAnAstronaut
  • 5 years ago

    We had the pleasure of working with talented dancers Javier Aranzales, Catherine Enane, and FBI Dance Crew Kenya . Only two weeks to the release of Mission to Earth! Want to see it early? Become our Patron! www.patreon.com/nyado πŸ’ƒπŸ» @afrobeatswithkamau @catherine_enane @fbidancecrewkenya πŸ•ΊπŸ» #mte #missiontoearth #wearenyado #wehadtogoback #nyado #makethisplanetgreatagain #green #sustainability #sustainabledevelopment #climatechange #climatejustice #2020 #consciousliving #earth #bewatly #sustainableliving #artforchange #musicforchange #danceforchange #anthemsforchange #singforhope #gameforchange #playforchange #gamingforchange
  • 5 years ago

    This is a Mission to Earth We are the astronauts We've come to help back home πŸŒπŸš€ Only three weeks to the release. Want to see it early? Become our Patron! www.patreon.com/nyado @phyasco @_edoardosegatofigueroa_ @jaz.brahamson @onnhalpern @thetimwork @marcoantonioattisani @bewatly πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸš€πŸ‘©πŸΎβ€πŸš€πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸš€ #mte #missiontoearth #wearenyado #wehadtogoback #nyado #makethisplanetgreatagain #green #sustainability #sustainabledevelopment #climatechange #climatejustice #2020 #consciousliving #earth #bewatly #sustainableliving #artforchange #musicforchange #danceforchange #anthemsforchange #singforhope #gameforchange #playforchange #gamingforchange
  • 5 years ago

    We want to make you dance! Don't forget to add Mission to Earth to your New Year's Eve playlist to ring in the new year right. #mte #missiontoearth #wearenyado #wehadtogoback #nyado #makethisplanetgreatagain #green #sustainability #sustainabledevelopment #climatechange #climatejustice #2020 #consciousliving #earth #bewatly #sustainableliving #artforchange #musicforchange #danceforchange #anthemsforchange #singforhope #gameforchange #playforchange #gamingforchange

Address: RUE104, Utalii Lane, Nairobi, 00200, Kenya

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