pianos.pub - Find a public piano to play.

Updated 1 year ago

  • 7 years ago

    Playing piano by the lake this lunchtime:) nice! #jouezjesuisavous #playmeimyours #geneva
  • 7 years ago

    Look! If you like playing the piano, there is one down by the lake, 5 minutes walk from Webster Geneva. It's part of the 'Play me I'm Yours' Project, and will be there until June 27! Read more at https://streetpianos.com/geneva2017/ #jouezjesuisavous #geneve #playmeimyours #geneva #lacleman #piano #pianist #piano🎹 #webster #websteruniversity #webstergeneva

Address: 343, Route de Lausanne, Bellevue, Grand Genève, Geneva, 1293, Switzerland

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