pianos.pub - Find a public piano to play.

Updated 2 years ago

  • 5 years ago

    Jerusalem lamparts night walk 旧市街の城壁は夜も歩けるのだけど人気が全くない中カンダタみたいな係りの人が急に現れてチケット見せろとか言ってきたからめちゃくちゃびびった… #jerusalem #oldcityjerusalem #jerusalemnights #outdoorpiano #エルサレム #エルサレム旧市街 #城壁
  • 5 years ago

    #today s #bigwalk (11km) we made thru the #oldtown of #jerusalem - it’s an #location of big #ancienthistory so it’s everything shown in #blackandwhite #hdr #bwphotography #photography and #finally #mygirl and #mother of the #littleone is sitting on a #public #piano #publicpiano in the #heart of #jerusalem and we’re #stillloving to #roadtrip #roadtrippin thru #israel with all of his #bighistory and #culture

Address: Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls, Yichye Adhan, Morasha, Jerusalem, Jerusalem Subdistrict, Jerusalem District, no, Israel

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