pianos.pub - Find a public piano to play.

  • 4 years ago

    I've been a bit MIA of late trying to meet some deadlines, one of which I'm very excited about, the Greencastle Piano Project.  This is a program that takes artist painted pianos and places them at different points around the square of Greencastle for anyone to play.  The particular piano I've been working on is the first to be released.  If you live locally, join us at Wasser Brewery this Saturday, Sept 26th at Noon to see it's unveiling, have a nice cold beer (or two!) and listen to local musicians break it in with two hours of live music. (Photo credit: Brittney Way) #pianoproject #paino #greencastleartist #greencastleindiana #wasserbrewingco #streetperformer #streetpiano

Address: 659, East Seminary Street, Greencastle, Putnam County, Indiana, 46135, United States

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