Now booking street piano gigs. DM for booking info if you are the kind of person who throws away pianos by putting them on the curb and you need somebody to come play it until it gets picked up in order to assuage the outrage of nearby reasonable people who dispose of their possessions more responsibly. . . . . . . . . . #middlenames #streetpiano #booking #streetgigs #busking #santabarbara #piano #islavista #iv #abrego #delplaya #indierock #livemusic #johnhandrums #johnjinhan #trash #portland #seattle #bureauoffire #firefighter #indie #music #indiemusic #chacos #flannel #lillehammer #street #piano #goleta #california.
Address: 6651, Picasso Road, 66 Block, Isla Vista, Santa Barbara County, California, 93117, United States
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Not available 1 year ago.