This is my very own song called „Das verlorene Glück“. You can listen to the full song on all music services! And you can watch the full video on YouTube. Premiere in 30min...😎 Thomas Krüger live: 29.09. Berlin Wabe #mrpianoman #thomaskrueger #publicpiano #composition #dasverloreneglück.
16 dutch railwaystations have a public piano, today I picture them all. 25DEC2018 #16stationpianos #treinleven #16pianos #nsstations #publicpiano #publicpianons #dagvandestationspiano #utrechtcentraal.
Take a moment #train #station #trainstation #utrecht #utrechtcentraal #piano #pianoonthestreet #streetpiano #moments #momentofpeace #music #streetmusic #people.
Rain rain ☔ go away, come again another da... Never! 🏃🌂☁ #rain #cancelledtrain #whereareyousun #pianoatthestation.
These guys..! #publicpianoNS.
Address: 1009B, Stationshal, Dichterswijk, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3511CE, Netherlands
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