#rummelsburgerbucht #buskers #berlinlifestyle #pianooutside.
Address: Pumpwerk Stralau, Alt-Stralau, Stralau, Friedrichshain, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Berlin, 10245, Germany
It's available if you perform on a stage and once a month only (every second Friday). You can play sing, play or perform whatever kind of music you want though. It's exact location is Glasbläserallee 25, 10245 Berlin - Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Germany
―Dan Novotný ( 1 year ago )
Not available 4 months ago.
Available 1 year ago.
Available 1 year ago.
Available 2 years ago.
Not available 2 years ago.
Available 2 years ago.
Not available 2 years ago.