pianos.pub - Find a public piano to play.

  • 5 years ago

  • 5 years ago

    🎹 🎶 for Hobo #publicpiano #sdf #coldnights❄️
  • 5 years ago

    #piano de uso público en #montreal #quebec #canada #music #publicpiano #música #tojours #palaisdescongresdemontreal #colours #art #amour
  • 5 years ago

    Un piano public 😍🎹 #piano #pianopublic #palaisdescongrès #montrບl #mtl
  • 5 years ago

    Piano au Palais des Congrès . . . . . #piano #pianopublic #palaisdescongres #conventioncenter #blackandwhite #mtlmoments #mtl
  • 5 years ago

    Petite séance au piano public ce matin. Je peux commencer ma journée en beauté. #hallelujah #cohen #leonardcohen #song #piano #cover #publicpiano #montreal #chanteuse #francophone
  • 5 years ago

    Nous avons eu la chance d’accueillir Shirley Wu, @pianiste_de_montreal, en cette 6e édition de l’événement Pianos publics au diapason! À 12 h 30, la chanson le Petit Roi, de Jean-Pierre Ferland a résonné sur les pianos publics à travers le Québec! • We had the chance to welcome Shirley Wu, @pianiste_de_montreal, for the 6th edition of the event “Pianos publics au diapason”! At 12:30 pm, Jean-Pierre Ferland's song Le Petit Roi has been played on public pianos throughout Quebec! • Piano personnalisé par l’artiste @mayleekeo 🖌 • #PalaisMontreal #pianopublic #pianospublicsaudiapason #palaisdescongresdemontreal
  • 5 years ago

    Nous avons eu la chance d�ueillir Shirley Wu, @pianiste_de_montreal, en cette 6e ຝition de l’événement Pianos publics au diapason! À 12 h 30, la chanson le Petit Roi, de Jean-Pierre Ferland a résonné sur les pianos publics à travers le Qu󩯬! • We had the chance to welcome Shirley Wu, @pianiste_de_montreal, for the 6th edition of the event “Pianos publics au diapason”! At 12:30 pm, Jean-Pierre Ferland's song Le Petit Roi has been played on public pianos throughout Quebec! • Piano personnalisé par l𠆚rtiste @mayleekeo 🖌 • #PalaisMontreal #pianopublic #pianospublicsaudiapason #palaisdescongresdemontreal
  • 5 years ago

    Mon piano ce matin. 😍 #piano #publicpiano #music #musician #joy #montreal #Québec #singer #chanteuse #musique
  • 5 years ago

    ਞncontré un piano pྫlico afuera del metro! I found a public piano outside of subway!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 #piano #musician #montreal #iugg2019 #pianist #publicpiano #music #musicianlife #musiciansofinstagram #pianistsofinstagram
  • 5 years ago

    End of year #piano / #violin student concert at the #pianospublics of #PalaisdescongrèsdeMontrບl with @ShirleyWu @pianiste_de_montreal #SitanZhou @mauren.a.sanchez Medina #JenDuon The kids did a fantastic job ♡♡♡♡ #gensdelights #music #musicians #piano #violin #kidslearning #kidsmusic #musicalkids #youngmusicians #lovemusic #children #pianorecital #violinrecital
  • 5 years ago

    I love this public piano. I played this morning! Love, always! 👌🌞❤️ #piano #publicpiano #music #musician #joy #montreal #Québec #singer #chanteuse #musique
  • 6 years ago

    Happy long weekend #Montreal! Yes, it’s still raining but still plenty of things to do (a reminder that most places will be closed Sunday for the holiday). If you’re looking for staying and doing something indoors you can check out “Les Printemps du Palais” over at the @palais_montreal. It features interactive art experiences in collaboration with @massivart. You can explore and interact with some fun activities (plus stay dry). It goes until June 1st. . . . #cultmtl #mtlspring #palaisdescongres #palaismontreal #massivart #artinstallations #printempsdupalais #whatisadam #maplebarrel #station16gallery #labodeco #pingpong #table #makers #laurencevallieres #queenofcardboard #sculpture #bear #lacharbonne #illustration #publicpiano #airecommune #workingspace #streetart #publicart #mtlmoments #cinqcentquatorze
  • 6 years ago

    Went pattern-crazy on this public piano 🤟🏼 Thanks to @palais_montreal @gingermtl et @massivart for the amazing opportunity. Had a lot of fun with this one 💖 - Piano public que j𠆚i rmment eu la chance de dຜorer 💖 pour les Printemps du Palais des Congrès de Montrບl . . . . #mtl #montreal #publicpiano #piano #music #streetart #publicart #patterns #illustration #90sfashion #vintage

Address: Palais des congrès de Montréal, Ruelle des Fortifications, Old Montreal, Ville-Marie, Montreal, Urban agglomeration of Montreal, Montreal (06), Quebec, H2Y 2X6, Canada

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