The Maestro! Magnanimous Magnifique Malek Jandali @malekjandali musician extrodinaire and founder of @pianosforpeace I had the honour of a quick tête-à-tête with him at @nmoqatar a few weeks ago. We need more Malek's in this world! wallahi!! Can't wait to see the piano's in Qatar inshallah soon✌🏾❤️👌🏽🙏 #bigbmeetup #pianosforpeace #malekjandali #unityincommunity @almayassabnthamad @pianosforpeace @ashrafabuissa @al_khori @nasseralkhater @nmoqatar @yearsofculture @ga4good #nowisall #yearofculture @qatarcreates.ar @qatarcreates #ga4festival2021.
Address: The National Museum of Qatar, Al Corniche Street, (Sharg Zone) - Aslata, Doha, Qatar
it was only for the concert guys
―yar ( 8 months ago )
Not available 2 months ago.
Not available 2 months ago.
Not available 8 months ago.
Not available 8 months ago.
Available 2 years ago.
Available 2 years ago.