pianos.pub - Find a public piano to play.

Updated 6 months ago

  • 3 years ago

    It is a pleasure and an honour to be a part of the jury of the @isidorbajicpianomemorial competition in #novisad #serbia I will represent my country #argentina🇦🇷 and our studio #WKMT #london The competitors are outstanding and it will be tough to decide who should continue to the different stages. This is a huge responsibility and a privilige. #classicalpiano #pianolessons #pianoteacher #brunogelber @markson.pianos @artesmusicales.una @ce.luisgianneo @diariolacapitalmdp @dlanacion @cronicaweb @diariolaprensa @lavozdegalicia @wkmtpianoschoollondon #pianocompetition #pianocontest #pianostudents #pianist #piano #musicstudio #pianoconcerto #pianolondon #pianolessonslondon #pianoteacherlondon #Mondoo #galicia #lugo
  • 5 years ago

    #villapark #pianocity #piano #concerts #concert #outdoorpiano #pianomusic

Address: 37, Radnicka, Stari grad, Нови Сад, Novi Sad, Novi Sad City, South Backa Administrative District, Vojvodina, 21101, Serbia

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