Thanks to my new friends Christoph Westphal and Imke Bruns, who I met in the Canada back country, I got to know about the #publicpianovancouverSo we found a public piano and I played in the midst of sky scrapers and the Fraser River Delta. What a wonderful expetience😊 #piano #letitbe #pianointhecity #vancouver #urbanpiano.
EnglishAfrikaansČeštinaDanskDeutschΕλληνικάEnglishEnglish (UK)Español (España)EspañolSuomiFrançaisBahasa IndonesiaItaliano日本語한국어Bahasa MelayuNorskNederlandsPolskiPortuguês (Brasil)Português (Portugal)РусскийSvenskaภาษาไทยFilipinoTürkçe中文(简体)中文(台灣)বাংলাગુજરાતીहिन्दीHrvatskiMagyarಕನ್ನಡമലയാളംमराठीनेपालीਪੰਜਾਬੀසිංහලSlovenčinaதமிழ்తెలుగుTiếng Việt中文(香港)БългарскиFrançais (Canada)RomânăСрпскиУкраїнська.
I was so honored and blessed to play at a business launch party yesterday for @dreamyachtyvr 🛥🥂Many people came to me to say they enjoyed my music and play 🙏🏼✨ It was such a wonderful experience for me ❤️I would love to announce that from now on my journey as a Pianist for private events and parties in Vancouver has officially started! 💪🏼🤩🎹📷📹 @dululu2222 @marcusmoonmusic #pianist #pianistvancouver #pianovancouver #pianocanada #pianolessons #eventpianist #eventpianohire.
I was sitting there, less than five meters away from the ocean, playing my two favorite songs on the piano, overlooking the skyline of Vancouver. I didn't play that well but I didn't care. I played and that's all that mattered and it's something I'll never forget!📸 @dovpru #pianosonthestreet #vancity #bestcity #ilovecanada.
EnglishAfrikaansČeštinaDanskDeutschΕλληνικάEnglishEnglish (UK)Español (España)EspañolSuomiFrançaisBahasa IndonesiaItaliano日本語한국어Bahasa MelayuNorskNederlandsPolskiPortuguês (Brasil)Português (Portugal)РусскийSvenskaภาษาไทยFilipinoTürkçe中文(简体)中文(台灣)বাংলাગુજરાતીहिन्दीHrvatskiMagyarಕನ್ನಡമലയാളംमराठीनेपालीਪੰਜਾਬੀසිංහලSlovenčinaதமிழ்తెలుగుTiếng Việt中文(香港)БългарскиFrançais (Canada)RomânăСрпскиУкраїнська.
My lovely piano students Piano recital February 2022 سلام دوستان ، این عکسها مربوط به رسیتال پیانو برای شاگردای خوبم 🥰 . . #pianomusic #recital #pianorecital #pianostudent #pianovancouver #pianolessons #pianoclass #teaching #vancouver #تدریس_پیانو #پیانو #رسیتال_پیانو #آموزش_پیانو #تدریس_پیانو #ونکور.
❤️❤️ Honestly sat there for 15 minutes trying to come up with a caption and nothing came 🤣 so HI 👋.
Yay! Forever 2️𠸵️⃣ #vanlife #vancity #vancitymusic #pianovancouver #foodie #温哥華吃喝玩樂.
My student learns quickly and well. Today we are just motivated to work 🍀 #pianolessons #teacherlife #canada #canada_life #vancuver #vancuverpiano #pianovancouver.
My first two shows for Candlelight @candlelight.concerts were a blast! ⭐️ Getting back to live concerts feels amazing, and I’m so grateful to have a chance to interact with audiences again! Looking forward to the many remaining nights of concerts! A few of you have asked about about my program - scroll to the third slide to see what I’m playing! Scroll further for my bio and a few shots from the first night! Next show on Sept 2nd! Tickets in bio 🎫 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #candlelightconcert #backtolive #candlelight #concertsbycandlelight #listeso #vancouverconcerts #kerrisdalechurch #vancouverbc #vancouvermusic #classicalmusic #classicalpianists #pianista #musicians #classicalartist #pianoplayer #chopin #musiciansofinstagram #pianomusic #classicalmusiclover #liveconcerts #candlelightartist #pianovancouver #pianoteacher #professionalmusician #womeninmusic #chopinpiano #musicproducer #performingpianist #virtuosopianist #secretvancouver.
One of my favorite students 😍🥰 I’ve already introduced her with you all in my previous post. This’s Vika and she has learned to play a Russian song Two Lively Geese (Два весёлых гуся) with both hands 🙌🏼🎹🎶 Would you like to learn to play piano like Vika? Leave your comments and ❤️❤️❤️ Одна из моих любимых учениц 😍🥰 Я уже знакомила ее со всеми вами в своем предыдущем посте. Это Вика и она научилась играть двумя руками русскую песню «Два весёлых гуся» 🙌🏼🎹🎶 Хотели бы вы научиться играть на пианино как Вика? Оставляйте свои комментарии и ❤️❤️❤️ #piano #pianotutorial #pianocover #pianist #pianovancouver #learnpiano #onlinepiano #pianoteacher #pianoteaching #pianolessons #pianoforkids #pianocanada #canada #ванкувер #канада #фортепиано #фортепианодлядетей #пианино #урокипианино #урокипианиноонлайн #занятияпианино #пианинодлядетей.
Who can name this work? ⭐️ My practice sessions have been changing and becoming more exploratory and satisfying. Although I’m recording mostly Chopin in preparation for my next concert series (tba soon!), I’ve been listening to a lot more new music and have spent more of my off time composing. Spending time in nature and riding the trails has changed my perspective on what it means to focus, and this has begun to translate into my practice sessions as well. How have your recent practice sessions been? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #100daysofpractice #musiciansofinstagram # #classicalmusic #classicalmusicians #pianista #mazurka #pianist #classicalpiano #classicalpianist #musiciansofinstagram #pianistsofinstagram #pianogirl #pianomusic #pianoart #classicalmusiclover #pianoplayer #chopin #ilovechopin #pianolover #musicofcanada #canadianmusicians #vancouvermusic #pianovancouver #steinway #stwinwayartist #musicpiano #pianopiano #musiccanada #pianocanada #steinwayandsons.
Hi Everyone! Please meet Alexander, 10 y.o. 🧒🏻 He started learning piano over a month ago and look at him now playing with his right hand the song “Oh where has my little dog gone?” 🐶🎶 He has learned the notes, he can easily read and write them. We have been learning to play different songs. Recently he started playing with both hands. I’m so proud of him! He’s so smart and learns so fast! 😍🥰 I’m looking forward to posting more videos of him playing piano 🎹☺️ Привет всем! Познакомьтесь с Александром, 10 лет. 🧒🏻 Он начал учиться игре на фортепиано более месяца назад, и посмотрите, как он сейчас играет правой рукой песню «О, куда пропала моя маленькая собачка?» 🐶🎶 Он выучил ноты, он легко их читает и пишет. Мы учимся играть разные произведения. Недавно он начал играть обеими руками. Я так им горжусь! Он такой умный и так быстро учится! 😍🥰 Я с нетерпением жду возможности опубликовать еще больше видео, где он играет на пианино 🎹☺️ #piano #pianotutorial #pianocover #pianist #pianovancouver #learnpiano #onlinepiano #pianoteacher #pianoteaching #pianolessons #pianoforkids #pianocanada #canada #ванкувер #канада #фортепиано #фортепианодлядетей #пианино #урокипианино #урокипианиноонлайн #занятияпианино #пианинодлядетей.
Hi Everyone! Please meet my student Vika, 7 y.o 👧🏼 She never played piano before, and look at her now 🤩 This was only after 4 piano lessons with me. She really loves and enjoys playing and learning piano 🎹🎶❤️ Привет всем! Познакомьтесь, пожалуйста, с моей ученицей Викой, 7 лет 👧🏼 Раньше она никогда не играла на фортепиано, и посмотрите на нее сейчас 🤩 Это было только после 4 уроков игры на фортепиано со мной. Ей очень нравится играть и учиться на фортепиано 🎹🎶❤️ #piano #pianotutorial #learnpiano #onlinepiano #pianoteacher #pianolessons #pianoforkids #pianocover #pianist #pianovancouver #pianocanada #canada #ванкувер #канада #фортепиано #фортепианодлядетей #пианино #урокипианино #урокипианиноонлайн #занятияпианино #пианинодлядетей.
Yesterday’s practice session ⭐️ Bringing back this beautiful mazurka for an upcoming series of concerts that I will be announcing shorty 🌹 I love practicing repertoire that just makes you happy. This work does just that… it’s so gorgeous in its simplicity and it’s romanticism ..and yet, playing it always feels like fresh experience ❤️ What’s your happy music? . . . . . . . . . . . #classicalmusic #classicalmusicians #pianista #mazurka #pianist #classicalpiano #classicalpianist #musiciansofinstagram #pianistsofinstagram #pianogirl #pianomusic #pianoart #classicalmusiclover #pianoplayer #chopin #ilovechopin #pianolover #musicofcanada #canadianmusicians #vancouvermusic #pianovancouver #steinway #stwinwayartist #musicpiano #pianopiano #musiccanada #pianocanada #steinwayandsons.
What do I teach during my piano classes? I teach solfege! Why? So that you can hear music more accurately and learn how each note functions by ear 👂🏼 We play and sing each note, we learn to write them, and we memorize each sound through dictation exam! I ask my student to turn around and I play notes, and he/she needs to guess the notes. Yes, this is what I call thorough and professional teaching 🥸🎹🎶 Чему я учу на своих уроках по фортепиано? Я преподаю сольфеджио! Почему? Чтобы вы учили не только ноты, но ещё и слышать каждую ноту и определять их на слух!👂🏼Мы играем и поем каждую ноту, мы учимся писать их и запоминаем их с помощью диктантов! Я прошу своего ученика повернуться и я играю ноты, а ему/ей нужно угадать ноты. Да, это то, что я называю тщательным и профессиональным обучением 🥸🎹🎶 #piano #pianotutorial #pianocover #pianist #pianovancouver #learnpiano #onlinepiano #pianoteacher #pianoteaching #pianolessons #pianoforkids #pianocanada #beautifulgirl #canada #ванкувер #канада #фортепиано #фортепианодлядетей #пианино #урокипианино #урокипианиноонлайн #занятияпианино #пианинодлядетей.
Hi Everyone! Please meet my student Alisa 👧🏼 6 years old. She’s so smart, cute and talented! 🥰👩👧❤️ She started learning piano recently. She never played piano before and didn’t know anything about notes and couldn’t play. This is our 5th lesson 🎹 She has learned the notes, she can easily find them on a keyboard. She can read notes (1st octave). She has learned to play C Major Scale (Right & Left hand). She has also learned to play with different fingers on right hand. You can see it from these videos. Привет всем! Познакомьтесь с моей ученицей Алисой 👧🏼 6 лет. Она такая сладкая, умная и талантливая 🥰👩👧❤️ Она недавно начала учиться играть на пианино. Прежде она никогда не играла на пианино и ничего не знала о нотах. Это наш 5-й урок 🎶 Она уже выучила ноты, она легко находит все ноты на клавиатуре. Она умеет читать ноты (в 1-й октаве). Она научилась играть гамму в До Мажор (правой и левой рукой). Она также научилась играть разными пальцами в правой руке. #piano #pianotutorial #pianocover #pianist #pianovancouver #learnpiano #onlinepiano #pianoteacher #pianoteaching #pianolessons #pianoforkids #pianocanada #canada #ванкувер #канада #фортепиано #фортепианодлядетей #пианино #урокипианино #урокипианиноонлайн #занятияпианино #пианинодлядетей.
13 Students!!! 😍😱🤯 Have I ever thought I will have 13 students for my piano lessons? No, never! It’s been only 2 weeks since I’ve started teaching piano and I already see a big progress!!! My students have learned to place their hands and fingers in a proper way. They’ve learned musical notes, and they can read them and play a little. It’s just unbelievable! 🤩🤩🤩 I’m feeling so grateful 🙏🏼🥰 By the way, I’m going through some interesting and challenging stages in my life. I discovered that I have a big problem with accepting money for my service. All these years I’ve been working in the office 9 to 5, and I was receiving a fixed salary which would go to my checking account. But now when I decided to work for myself, I feel so shy to ask and receive money 🤦🏻♀️ I’ve never been taught how to do it 🤷🏻♀️ I am learning myself through this process and definitely working on improving myself ☺️✨❤️ #piano #pianotutorial #pianocover #pianist #makeupartist #pianovancouver #learnpiano #pianoteacher #pianolessons #pianoforkids #pianocanada #beautifulgirl #vancouver #britishcolumbia #canada #ванкувер #канада #фортепиано #фортепианодлядетей #пианино.
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT ‼️‼️‼️ I’m finally ready to share with you all the great news 🥰 I’ve started teaching piano lessons 🎹🎶👩🏻🏫 This has been my biggest dream for the past 3-4 years! I’ve been building my skills, my knowledge, my techniques, creativity, individuality, communication skills, and confidence! The most challenging step was believing in myself that I can do it, that I will follow my heart and that I will pursue my dream! 💫💫💫 I’ve got 11 students: different levels and ages! 👩🏼🎓🧑🏻🎓I love them all! But the most important thing is I love teaching piano! 🙏🏼✨❤️ БОЛЬШОЕ ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЕ‼️‼️‼️ Друзья мои, спешу поделиться с вами отличными новостями! 🥰 Я начала преподавать пианино 🎹🎶👩🏻🏫 Вы не представляете как долго я к этому шла! Как давно я об этом мечтала! 💫💫💫 Сейчас у меня 11 учеников: все разных возрастов и уровней. Каждый ученик так дорог мне! Но больше всего я очень люблю и кайфую от преподавания пианино! 🙏🏼💫❤️ #piano #pianotutorial #pianocover #pianist #pianovancouver #learnpiano #onlinepiano #pianoteacher #pianoteaching #pianolessons #pianoforkids #pianocanada #beautifulgirl #canada #ванкувер #канада #фортепиано #фортепианодлядетей #пианино #урокипианино #урокипианиноонлайн #занятияпианино #пианинодлядетей.
One of my talented Paino student🥰 #romeoandjuliet یکی از شاگردای خوبم قطعه زیبای رومئو و ژولیت اجرا کرد 🥰 داستان رومئو و ژولیت به بیش از ۲۰۰۰ سال قبل مربوط میشه ولی هنوز هم زیباست اگر چه شخصیتهای خیالی هستند 🥰 #pianostudent #romeoandjuliet #romeoandjulietpiano #pianolessons #pianoclass #pianolessonvancouver #peasefulsongs #romeoandjulietmusic #pianovancouver #pianoclassvancouver #pianosolo.
خوشبختی و آرامش همین درکنار هم بـودن هاست ! همین دوست داشـتن هاست خوشبختی و آرامش همین لحظه های ماست ! همین ثانیه هایی ست که در شـتاب زندگی گمشـان کرده ایم.😇 امیدوارم از این قطعه موسیقی لذت ببرین 🥰 نام آهنگ : تنهای تنها تنظیم بسیار زیبا :آقای @yoosef_rasti با تشکر از شرکت @proximalight.ca برای نورپردازی Happiness and peace are together! These are your friends Happiness and peace are our moments! These are the seconds we have lost in the rush of life. #piano #teachingpiano #pianoleasons #pinaolessonvancouver #relaxingsong #peacful #musiclesson #musiclessonvancouver #musician #pianovancouver #artlessonvancouver #nightsong #nightsongs #pianonight #پیانو_نوازی #پیانو #پیانو_ایرانی #آهنگ_ملایم #آهنگ_ملایم_پیانو #آهنگ_ملایم_انرژی_مثبت #تدریس_پیانو #تدیس_پیانو_آنلاین #تدریس_موسیقی_ونکور #آموزش_پیانو_ونکور.
This photo makes me happy, so happy Sunday!! I’ve taken some time away from the app just because it was stressing me out on top of everything that this year brought and now this app is punishing me and not showing me to you guys. SO IF THIS POPS UP FOR YOU GUYS give it a like and a save and a comment so I start popping back you for you guys :) #katushacohome.
اگر زندگی آن گونه نیست که تو میخواهی،عوضش کن. زندگی امروز تو حاصل طرز تفکر دیروز توست امروز متفاوت تر فکر کن، فردا متفاوت تر نتیجه میگیری 🥰🌾🥰. . If life is not what you want it to be, change it. Today's life is the result of yesterday's way of thinking. Think differently today, you will get different results tomorrow #پیانو #نواختن_پیانو #نوای_آرامش_بخش #موسیقی #نواختن #آموزش_پیانو #آموزش_موسیقی #تدریس_پیانو #آموزش_پیانو_ونکور #موسیقی_پاپ #تدریس_موسیقی #تدریس_آنلاین_پیانو #نوازندگی_پیانو #موسیقی_آرامش_بخش #piano #playingpiano #peacefulmoments #peacefulsong #teachingpiano #pianovancouver #pianolessonvancouver #pianomusic #pianomusic #pianolessons #onlinepianolessonvancouver.
𠇎very next level of your life will demand a different you.” ❤️ Follow my page @piano_vancouver #piano #pianotutorial #pianomusic #pianovancouver #pianoteacher #pianoforkids #pianocover #pianist.
Поздравляю нас с 8 Марта! 🌷🥰💓 Будьте всегда прекрасны! Любите и будьте любимыми! Пусть ваша улыбка сияет ярче звёзд! ✨ Happy International Women’s Day! 🌷😘💓 Shine bright like a diamond 💎 #happyinternationalwomensday #happywomensday #pianovancouver #piano #pianomusic #pianolessons #pianoteacher #pianotutorial #䐘марта.
Gnossienne No.1 Follow me @piano_vancouver #gnossienne1 #piano #pianotutorial #pianomusic #pianovancouver #pianoteacher #pianoforkids #pianocover #pianist @talented_musicians @piano.new.age @_piano_music_ @pianoworldwide @piano.society @yamahapianosofficial @dailypiano.cover @musicworld.ig @worldmusician.ig @onemusic.world @talented_vocalist @talented.nations @musicianshub_ @pianomussicc.
The Pink Panther Tutorial 🐆🎹 Follow me @piano_vancouver #pinkpanther #piano #pianotutorial #pianocover #pianovancouver #pianoforkids #pianolessons @talented_musicians @piano.new.age @_piano_music_ @pianoworldwide @piano.society @yamahapianosofficial @dailypiano.cover @musicworld.ig @worldmusician.ig @onemusic.world @talented_vocalist @talented.nations @musicianshub_.
Marking your music ✍ Do you write in your score? TIPS 👇 to start! My teachers have always told me to keep a pencil by the piano. ✏ All of them wrote in my scores, and I too write in the scores of my students. Working with the score is a really intimate and intricate process. The score is the closest link between you and the composer. When we are playing music that is not our own, we have to be especially attentive to all the markings on the page. Markings can often be understood in different ways, or with different levels of nuance. 🔎 Performers have to make interpretative choices, and those choices need to be written down. Writing in your music can be a way for you to commit to musical choices, note down reminders in specific spots, or highlight important details that may have gotten missed. Whatever level you're at, and whatever music you make, writing down some of your choices on paper could prove to be more helpful than you think. If you don't know how to start writing in your music, begin by noting down what your already doing, like: ⭐ Keeping track of exact practice time ⭐ Writing down your metronome speeds (esp if trying to get faster!) ⭐ Writing down the fingering that you keep getting wrong (!!) Already taking notes in your music? 📝 Tell me what you're jotting down! . . . . . . . . . #musicteacher #pianotips #learnpiano #pianoteacher #theoryteacher #musiciansofinstagram #vancouverpianostudio #vancouverpianolessons #pianovancouver #pianolessons #teachingpiano #teachingkids #professor #teacherlife #musicteacherlife #pianoteacherlife #classicalpianist #classicalmusic #pianogram #pianistlife #practicing #conservatory #classicalconservatory #musicstudent #concertpianist #pianotime #takenotes #learning #teachingpiano.
Happy Valentine's Day! 💓 Wishing you a beautiful day filled with love and happiness! Hope you enjoy it with your significant other 🙏🏼🥰💖 С Днём Святого Валентина! 💘💘💘 Когда в сердце живет любовь, мир вокруг прекрасен. Любовь вдохновляет, окрыляет, дарит надежду. Любовь действительно умеет творить чудеса. Пускай это волшебное чувство наполняет всех любящих сердец до краев. Желаю всем любви и счастья! 👩❤️👨🌹❤️ #happyvalentinesday #valentinesday #piano #pianocover #pianotutorial #pianomusic #pianoteacher #pianovancouver #сднемсвятоговалентина.
Көзімнің қарасы - Абай Құнанбайұлы Уйді сағынғанда тартанын әнім 😌 Мен әр жылы уйге барып тұрушы едім. Бірақ осы карантиннен 2 жыл болып қалды уйде болмағаныма 💔🇰🇿 @piano_vancouver #көзімніңқарасы #пианино #пианинованкувер #piano #pianomusic #pianovancouver #pianolessons #pianoteacher @ztb_kz @talented_musicians @piano.society @piano.new.age @_piano_music_ @pianoworldwide @yamahapianosofficial.
I would like to welcome my new followers 😍🥰 and thank everyone for watching and liking my new video of Chi Mai 🎹🎶 I’m super happy and grateful and I hope I will keep making new and amazing videos! 🙏🏼✨❤️ @piano_vancouver #piano #pianoteacher #pianist #pianocover #pianolessons #pianovancouver #vancouverpiano @talented_musicians @piano.society @piano.new.age @_piano_music_ @greatestpianocover @yamahapianosofficial @pianoworldwide.
I can feel it coming in the air tonight, And I've been waiting for this moment, for all my life, Oh lord 🎶🎹❤️ Follow my account @piano_vancouver #pianoartist #makeupartist #pianovancouver #learnpiano #pianoteacher #pianolessons #vancouverpiano #vancouverpianoteacher #pianocanada @talented_musicians @piano.new.age @_piano_music_ @pianoworldwide @modernclassicalpiano @yamahapianosofficial.
I wanted to write here something smart and wise about love. But I can’t! I think I’m still young to fully understand what true love is! I’m still learning 🥰 So let me just write when I fell in love with Charlez Aznavour and his beautiful songs 🎼🎶 I was around 17-18 when I started listening to his songs. Especially Une vie d'amour! I will never forget that period of my life and this song will always bring me back to that time and remind me about my feelings ❤️ 👗 @dynamiteclothing #Uneviedamour #CharlesAznavour #pianoartist #makeupartist #pianovancouver #learnpiano #pianoteacher #pianolessons #vancouverpiano #vancouverpianoteacher #pianoforkids #pianocanada @talented_musicians @piano.new.age @pianoworldwide @piano.society @_piano_music_ @yamahapianosofficial @sephora @sephoracanada.
Here’s the list of my favorite movies from the 1920s: The Great Gatsby The Danish Girl Moulin Rouge Chicago Midnight in Paris If you know more, please write in the comments 😘 Follow my page @piano_vancouver #charleston #thegreatgatsby #gatsbystyle #gatsbymakeup #makeupartist #pianovancouver #learnpiano #pianoteacher #pianolessons #pianoartist #vancouverpiano #vancouverpianoteacher #pianoforkids #pianocanada @talented_musicians @piano.new.age @_piano_music_ @pianoworldwide @modernclassicalpiano @yamahapianosofficial.
I hadn’t played on piano for a while since maybe I was 13-14 years old. But I never stopped loving piano! 😌 And then only last year I bought my own keyboard and during the quarantine I kept playing almost each day and started having all these crazy ideas with characters, etc. 😄 I really hope you like and enjoy it! Please leave a comment if you do enjoy it 🙏🏼✨💓 #piano #pianovancouver #pianoteacher #pianolessons #vancouverpiano #vancouverpianoteacher @piano_vancouver @talented_musicians @thepianoguys.
What if Audrey Hepburn was Canadian, eh? 😄🇨🇦 I grew up watching Breakfast at Tiffany's and dreaming about living abroad somewhere in a big city like New York! And then my dream came true. I moved and lived in Toronto ❤️ it was an amazing experience 🙏🏼✨\n\nMy favorite quote from the movie: \.
Have you already set your goals for 2021? 👚 @dynamiteclothing @talented_musicians 💕 #dynamitestyle #piano #pianovancouver #learnpiano #playpiano #pianoteacher #pianolessons #pianoartist #vancouverpiano #vancouverpianoteacher #vancouverpianolessons #pianoforkids #pianocanada #makeup #makeupartist #makeupvancouver #makeupartistvancouver.
@piano_vancouver 🎹🎶❤️ 𠇍on’t worry, you can’t crush a soul here. That’s what life on earth is for.” (Soul) #pianovancouver #pianoteacher #pianist #pianoartist #pianoteachervancouver #pianocanada #pianists #vancouverpiano #vancouverpianoteacher #vancouverpianoartist #vancouverpianist #canadapiano #pianolessons #pianolessonsforkids.
Follow my page: @piano_vancouver Even though this year has been very challenging for me, I would like to thank 2020 for pushing me so hard that I’ve finally started pursuing what I really love to do! And it is playing on piano and making all these different ideas of mine come true through my videos and Instagram! I’d like to thank 2020 for making me realize how life can be so short and fragile! And there’s no time to hold off on your dreams! Do it today, do it now what you love to do! 🙏🏼✨❤️ #pianovancouver #pianoartist #vancouver #canada.
در این دوران کرونا شنیدن بعضی از موسیقی ها بتونه به آدم انرژی و حال و هوای خاصی بده و روح نواز باشه . اگر شما هم از این موسیقی لذت بردین خوشحال می شویم که آن را به اشتراک بگذارین و دوستان خود را تگ کنین 🙏🌹 با تشکر از آقای @arshamghaderii (استاد تار) برای همنوازی بسیار زیبا 🙏 #رقص_برگها_فریبرزلاچینی برگها رقص کنان بارنگهایی بس زیبا بر روی زمین مینشینند ،فرشی میسازنند تا قدم بر روی رنگ ها بگذاریم ، بیایید صدای پاییز را بشنویم ، حس کنیم ، نه اینکه به سادگی از آن عبور کنیم زیرا که خداوند تمام ذوقش را،تمام عشقش را و تمام مهرش را در رنگ و روی پاییز به یادگار گذاشته است . #پیانو #اموزشپیانو #آموزش_تار #آموزش_تار_و_سه_تار_ونکور #آموزش_پیانو_کودک #آموزش_پیانو_آنلاین #piano #pianovancouver #teachingpianovancouver #musician #piano&tar #duetpianotar.
behind-the-scenes rehearsing at home Astor Piazzolla is a famous composer of tango music 🎵 something for the soul 🥰 - - - - - #vancityviolin #vancouverwestend #concertvancouver #vancityentertainers #vancitymusic #vancouverlivemusic #houseconcertvancouver #vancityhouseconcerts #video #musicvideo #athomemusic #vancouver #yvr #events #bookusvancouver #vancitymusician #pianovancouver #pianistvancouver #violinistvancouver #yvrevents.
“The Entertainer” Scott Joplin\n\nMy costume for Halloween 2020. I love Charlie Chaplin! 🎩🌂❤️ I remember watching his movies when I was a kid.\n\nSir Charles Spencer Chaplin (16 April 1889 – 25 December 1977) was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame in the era of silent film. He became a worldwide icon through his screen persona, \.
Für Elise, Beethoven 🎶🌷💓 The song is thought to be written for Therese, a woman that Beethoven wanted to marry in 1810, however his handwriting was misspelt undergoing transcription, allowing the piece to be known as Fur Elise rather the Fur Therese. Therese did not want to marry him. Part of the reason Für Elise remains so popular, is that many piano teachers over the world assign just that first part of the piece to their students early on in their piano learning. #furelise #furelisebeethoven #beethoven #piano #pianovancouver #learnpiano #pianoteacher #pianoteaching #vancouver #canada.
Piano makeover complete! This little nook in our living room has some new life pumped into it now that we’ve painted this beauty. Cue cozy evenings inside while west coast rainy season hits! Also, if you know how to play the piano and want to come over and serenade us, please do!! #hyggehome #paintedpiano #diy #pianolove #fatpaint.
Classic one! 🎹🎶❤️😊 Retaking the classical piano studying! . . . #piano #chopin #eflat #eb #chopinnocturne #chopinnocturneop9no2 #classicalpiano #classicalmusic #ilovepiano #pianist #composer #pianovancouver #vancouvermusicians #vancouverbc.
Let’s be kind to ourselves and others as we get thru another quarantined week together. #tbt Rod playing piano💗 . #stayhealthy #stayhomestaysafe . . #quarantine #quarantinelife #bekind #bekindalways #bekindtoothers #bekindtooneanother #newweek #pinkpiano #pianoonthestreet #vancity #vancouver #sunsetbeach #burrardbridge #beautifulvancouver.
Piano tricycle 🤩 #pianoonthestreet #publicpiano #pianist #pianophotography.
Piano tricycle 🤩 #pianoonthestreet #publicpiano #pianist #pianophotography.
The Bitter end- Placebo Piano cover #pianoonthestreet #vancouver #placebofans #instamusic #streetmusic #frenchmusician #paceyspianos.
❤️Give back ❤️ • • Thank you to all the Health Heroes for all you do! We cheer you on every night at 7pm!! • • Our family partnered with Via Tevere Pizzeria on Victoria Drive to provide dinners to the Doctors and Nurses at VGH this evening ❤️ @viateverepizza • • I challenge all the Realtors out there during this difficult time, to do something small in a way to give back to our community. So many of you already do so much throughout the year to give back and now more than ever people appreciate the small gestures in life as these are what truly feeds our souls. Let’s do this! ❤️ • • #realtorscare #giveback #vgh #rebgv #realtor #realtorsofinstagram #realproud #macdonaldrealty #macdonaldrealtybc #vancouver #vancouverrealestate #vancouverrealestateagent #globalnews #ctv #globalbc #realtorchallenge #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #playitforward #realproud #healthheroes #smallgestures #feedsmysoul #thankfulthursday #nurse #doctor #❤️ #covid19 #viateverepizzeria #viateverepizza #jenniferriccirealestate.
Another #pianocover of #Quarantine from the #FirstMan #soundtrack from #JustinHurwitz. Played on a #fazioli at #telusgarden in #Vancouver but in this video I wanted to show off the lovely #indoorwaterfall at the venue. . Thank you for listening. . . . . . #piano #pianopractice #pianoplayer #pianoplaying #publicpiano #faziolipiano #faziolivancouver #🎹 #firstmanmovie #firstmanpiano #filmscore #moviescore #movietheme #moviemusic #filmmusic #relaxingpiano #relaxingmusic #pianomusic #yvr #downtownvancouver @faziolipianos_official.
Another completed work! “Cousins” acrylic on stretched canvas 16 x 20 @paceyspianos #pianosonthestreet #vancouver.
Congrats to Tiffany JYL for being invited to the Winners Recitals for the First and Second place winners of Elite International Music Competition 2020 which will be held in Carnegie Hall New York! “Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard. ” #eliteinternationalmusiccompetition #carnegiehall #pianovancouver #kidspianist #telentkids #vanlife #vankids #vancouverkidsfashionweek #vancouverbc #vancouverdaily.
バンクーバーを普通に観光してる…🇨🇦 いちいちオシャレすぎる✨ #vancouver #streetpiano #basketball🏀.
"Alone Together" . . . #music #musician #jazz #ballad #minor #publicpiano #piano #pianist #solo #improvisation #flow #alonetogether #ellafitzgerald #ella #vancouver #telusgarden.
#Sundaymorning is one of my favourite times of the week for #pianopractice, especially when it’s so wet out and I have no desire to go anywhere except in my imagination. . Today I’m inspired by #amelie and specifically the recent @westmoontheatre show at the #vanfringe. The *only* thing missing from that #musical production was the lack of use of the #originalscore by #YannTiersen. Then again, #comptinedunautreete seems to be one of those modern classic #piano pieces that you can hear randomly on #streetpianos and online and the like :). . Anyway, here is a slice of #comptinedunautreété and maybe it will transport you for a minute to #Paris on this #rainy #Vancouver day. Thanks for listening. #ameliepiano #raincover #dnpianopractice.
#pianosinthecity #pianosinthecityforanyone #freepianomusic #falsecreek #falsecreekseawall #falsecreekvancouver #falsecreeksouth #boats #viewofyaletown #seawall #ocean #pacificocean #undercambiebridge #undercambie #pianosonthestreet #pianosonthestreet2019.
Community piano.
Community piano.
Vancouver, day 1. #vancouver #canada #stickcamp #pianosonthestreet #🇨🇦.
Vancouver, day 1. #vancouver #canada #stickcamp #pianosonthestreet #🇨🇦.
Pianos in the street 🎹 #pianosonthestreet #summermusic #viawesome #vancouverisawesome #604now #mustbevancouver #veryvancouver #vancityhype #vancityvibe #dailyhivevan #dailyhypevan.
Pianos in the street 🎹 #pianosonthestreet #summermusic #viawesome #vancouverisawesome #604now #mustbevancouver #veryvancouver #vancityhype #vancityvibe #dailyhivevan #dailyhypevan.
What a wonderful sight to see. Local kids from @kiwassa painted this years #pianoonthestreet.
Another weekend in the bag..
I’ve spent the week wandering around Vancouver and hanging out with tattoo artist friends lol! Loving my life & this city. Three videos, one of my leg tattoos on Sunset beach. Second of a dude playing a public piano in Olympic village & Third of a bus trip over the Burrard Bridge to visit my bff in Kits. Also got more tattoos this week lol! Still recovering, but otherwise feeling so happy with my life 💘 #recovery #vancouver #littlethings #citylove #tattoos #inked #ink #sunsetbeach #burrardbridge #publicpiano #living #friends #support #invisibleillness #tattoos #artist #xo.
Nosso passeio de bicicleta foi interrompido por esta bela surpresa: pianos on the street. 🎶🎶🎹🎹🎼🚲🚲 #familiavieremvancouver #vancouver_canada #familytrip #enjoyvancouver #pianosonthestreet.
Nosso passeio de bicicleta foi interrompido por esta bela surpresa: pianos on the street. 🎶🎶🎹🎹🎼🚲🚲 #familiavieremvancouver #vancouver_canada #familytrip #enjoyvancouver #pianosonthestreet.
Don’t mind me, I’ll be here for a while.... #pianosonthestreet 🎹 ❤️.
Dear friends we hope that you enjoy one of our songs 𠇋ia joonam “( come my Love )👩❤️👩🌹 دوستان عزيز \.
I miss the forest today, but the city has its moments. #publicpiano #chariotsoffire #🏀.
some of my people been giving me a hard time about not posting enough. So here is something @bennekenwaza sent me from #augsburg last September. Stoked #piano s will be in Augsburg again this September. Also Strasbourg in June/July was just announced which has been somewhere on the list of places to check out anyway. Seems Geneva in June again too. So lots of pianos on the horizon. Setting up to have a new disc for these times. Round Mid May I will be making some recordings on the Piano i grew up playing amongst the Great Lakes. Its been 20 months since i made the latest dose of Medicine. Which also is before I started spending time with music in Europe. Many levels of growth since then , so I am excited to share. Keep a look out. Balancing/ planning / hitting some big jumps this springing forward. So is timely to hear my tip jar jingle. Hit up my online tip jar, let me know an address, and ill send you a copy of this future disc when it is printed into existance. Full video, tip jar and more @ www.nomadicivories.ca. #pmiyaugsburg. #playmeimyours.
Awesome job chris, #titanic #piano #pianoonthestreet #musician #music #awesome @titanic @celinedion #s9 #sweetangel1323.
Reviewing relative major and minor 🎹 keys with my SB2 students last week. E minor is their 4th scale already! #mycvancouver #musicforyoungchildren #pianolessons #groupmusiclessons #pianovancouver #vancitymoms #vancouvermusic #vancitykids.
Reviewing relative major and minor 🎹 keys with my SB2 students last week. E minor is their 4th scale already! #mycvancouver #musicforyoungchildren #pianolessons #groupmusiclessons #pianovancouver #vancitymoms #vancouvermusic #vancitykids.
220 days til summer! 😁 #streetpiano #pianosiplay #pianosonthestreet.
Saw this cool piano at #CitySquare in #Vancouver. People are welcome to sit down & play! Have seen a few of these around the city. Great idea! #piano 🎹 #music 🎶 #pianosonthestreet #theentertainer #musicforeveryone #vancity #yvr #BC #Canada 🇨🇦.
Who reads notes anyway. #pianosonthestreetyvr2018 #musician #vancouver.
Last Vancouver port for the year ... thank you Vancouver, you have been awesome! I made it my mission to try out a different Ramen Joint each time I was back.. it’s been a lot of ramens and I’ve been a happy girl. Now moving on to having Ramen in Japan! #vancouver #britishcolumbia #downtowneats #ramen #JinyaRamenBar #HokkaidoRamenSantouka #MarutmaRamen #RamenDanbo #noodlelife #ramenlife #cityscapes #pianosonthestreet #myviewfromhere #ShipLivin #Kmarksthespot.
“Kif, tell everyone that I did it with the woman.” #futurama #PianosOnTheStreet.
Play on the street #musicislife #musicforeveryone #pianoonthestreet #vancouver.
Pianos on the Street.
Pianos on the Street.
I friggin' ❤️this! He once dreamt of being a film composer #repost @get_repost #livingthedream #copsarecool #vancouverpolice #pianosonthestreet #vancouverisawesome #vancouver #piano #pianoman #multiskilled #police #policeofficer #communitypolicing #instapolice #music #musicislife #musicinthestreets #musicissoul #maninuniform.
Sometimes you just have to stop and play. . . . . #vancouver_ig #vancity #streetphotography #nikonphotography #citypark #pianoman #publicpiano #cooldude #streetmusic #streetphotography #bythedock #bythewater #musiclove #musiccity #pianosonthestreet #lovemusic.
Classes still accepting new students: Sunshine 1, Sunbeams 1 & Moonbeams 1. Contact me for more details..
Classes still accepting new students: Sunshine 1, Sunbeams 1 & Moonbeams 1. Contact me for more details..
this is my niece. this is life, humans being. humans seeing, humans hearing the mirror in her neurons feels the music in her ears and moves the sound through her hands. public piano spontaneous syncing, she hasn’t been taught that she isn’t the music so she does and she is as are we. #musichuman #humanseeing #humanbeing #learnbywatching #learnbylistening #publicpiano #vancouverbc.
Thank you, little performer in the background for enjoying my music. @pianosonthestreet #pianosonthestreet #vancouver #vancity #music #pianosonthestreetyvr2018.
🎵🎵🎵 . . . . . #canada #vancouver #pianoonthestreet #pianosonthestreet #music #singing #piano #travel.
#pianoonthestreet #amaizing #vancouver #downtown #city #beautifullbritishcolumbia #walk #tourist #bc #piano #goodidea #2018.
Pianos on the street #canada #travel #vacation #vancouver #pianosonthestreet #summer #summerday.
#pianos on the street, next to Granville Island, #Vancouver #Canada Check the Song at the Story. ::::: 🦋✨ #mopanipictures #travelspecial ➡️ See also 1/3 and 2/3 - it‘s a #triptych . . . . . #pianosonthestreet #falsecreek #seawall #Vancouver #Music #piano #vancity #britishcolumbia #pianosonthestreetyvr2018 #art #veryvancouver #streetmusic #summer #yvr #streetpiano #song #livemusic #seawall #playingpiano #setacoustic #vancitylife #darkwaverock #eastvancouver #vancouverisawesome #citywalk @pianosonthestreet.
Coldplay on a broken piano😢. Used to know this song inside and out, but trying to pick it up again listening to it on repeat🤓 #coldplaycover #coldplaypiano #outdoorpiano.
Coldplay on a broken piano😢. Used to know this song inside and out, but trying to pick it up again listening to it on repeat🤓 #coldplaycover #coldplaypiano #outdoorpiano.
Past is dark and gone Present is bright and here Future is shady and hidden . . . . . . #piano #pianointhepark #art #streetart #past #present #future #asrtist #pianist #arte #artecallejero #canada #filosofia #Tiempo #Time.
Our new album “Rusty Chopstick Sisters in B Flat” will be available on iTunes soon! #cambiepiano #pianoonthestreet #sistersontour #availableforprivateparties #booknow.
Our new album “Rusty Chopstick Sisters in B Flat” will be available on iTunes soon! #cambiepiano #pianoonthestreet #sistersontour #availableforprivateparties #booknow.
Eli tocando el piano delante del skyline de #Vancouver @pianosonthestreet . . #Vancouver #canada #britishcolumbia #piano #musicinthestreet #pianosonthestreet #music #pianointhestreet #skyline #skyscrapers #citycenter #downtown #summer #summertrip #summer2018 #summertime #verano #vacaciones #trip #travel #traveling #viajar #viaje.
Eli tocando el piano delante del skyline de #Vancouver @pianosonthestreet . . #Vancouver #canada #britishcolumbia #piano #musicinthestreet #pianosonthestreet #music #pianointhestreet #skyline #skyscrapers #citycenter #downtown #summer #summertrip #summer2018 #summertime #verano #vacaciones #trip #travel #traveling #viajar #viaje.
#lenkkimaisemissa #pianoonthestreet #romantic #loveintheair #vancouver #silhouette #cityview.
#lenkkimaisemissa #pianoonthestreet #romantic #loveintheair #vancouver #silhouette #cityview.
We have very talented people living here #falsecreek #falsecreekvancouver #falsecreekseawall #freepianosinthecity #pianosinthecity #pianoontheseawall #talentedpianist.
Good views and good vibes are what I strive for. 🌅🎶🚲.
When you play, never mind who listens to you - Robert Schumann #shewilltraveltheworld #publicpiano.
This piano was gorgeous! 😍 I love the galaxy theme 💫✨ ——————————— #piano #spreadlove #galaxy #music #pianoonthestreet #therachelkirkpatrick.
The seawall piano 🎹 #summer #seawall #vancouver #waterfront #piano #pianovancouver #beezclicks #photography #mural #keytothecity.
The seawall piano 🎹 #summer #seawall #vancouver #waterfront #piano #pianovancouver #beezclicks #photography #mural #keytothecity.
Well nobody ever accused me of being GOOD at piano... 😛😛 #yvr #publicpiano #musicaltheatre #findingneverland #piano #musictheory #guitarist #wowthatpianoisoutoftune #wishiknewhowtoputthisinmystoryffs.
Dorota: No-one play Chopin like you. Wladyslaw Szpilman: I hope that's a compliment. @miche.capiche.
At the intersection of the Seawall and ferry dock is a colourful public space activated with a public piano and variety of waterside seating | Vancouver | False Creek Seawall | #vancouversummer #pianosonthestreet #falsecreek #seawall.
#colour #piano #publicpiano #summer #sunglasses.
Pianos on the street. Enjoying the sunset with random people playing piano under Cambie bridge. @pianosonthestreet #piano #pianos #pianosonthestreet #vancouver #vancouverisawesome #explorevancouver #ldphotolab #explorecanada #nikonnofilter #nikonphotography #falsecreek #cambiebridge.
Vancouver #britishcolumbia #vancouver #publicpiano #skyline #travelphotography #travel #falsecreek #falsecreekseawall.
"That perfect moment... " - Olive👅 #bikepug #tonguepug #pianosonthestreet #olivethepug #vancouverbikepug.
I was out for a stroll with @austinimre and we discovered all these pianos just sitting outside waiting for people to play them. And of all the pianos this one was my favourite 😊😊 - - - - - #yvr #piano #music #vancity #musician #producer #songwriter #singer #singersongwriter #chillout #popchillout #musicislife #blackandwhitetocolor #keys #oldpiano #playingpiano #pianoplayer #instruments #wildpiano #outdoorpiano.
The public pianos strike again 😍😍🎹😍😍 . . . #myVancouver #downtownVancouver #yvr #publicpianos #Vancouver #love #music #yesplease.
#bontanicalgardens #vancouverbc #pianointhepark.
Beautiful piano painted by everybody in my lovely job! 💚 I loooove my work! I love Canada 🌲🏞️🇨🇦 The best choice ever🐾 #thelifeisbeautiful #thebestjob #pianosonthestreet.
#vancouver #pianos #publicpianos #music #pianosinparks #playme.
Sadly, lost the video showing how beautifully she was playing, but needless to say it was lovely. Is there anything more gorgeous than a skyline, an ocean view and a public piano asking for someone to put their fingers on the keys? 🎹🎼🌊 #publicpiano #letsgoeverywhere #nomad #globetrotter #world_vacations #travelbug #solotravel #travelbrag #budgettravel #travelsalt #wanderwell #traveladdict #canada150 #vancouverlife #vancouverbc #vancouvering #britishcolumbia #girlswhotravel #vancity #darlingescapes #ladiesgoneglobal #traveldiary #traveladdict #mustbevancouver #travellife #worldtraveler #vancouverisawesome #vancouverofficial #vancouvercanada #igersvancouver.
This piano was pretty but also pretty unplayable. The white keys didn't move! Pentatonic songs only..
I love seeing and hearing these beautifully painted public pianos that are scattered all around town. It's such a great project; spreading creativity and inspiration in all kinds of ways! 🎶 #pianosonthestreet @pianosonthestreet.
When you play, never mind who listens to you R.S. #piano #vancouver #pianosonthestreet #music.
#pianosinthecity #pianosinthecityforanyone #pianoplayer #freepianoplaying #undercambiebridge #spyglassdock #falsecreekseawall #falsecreek #pacificocean #summerpianoplaying #manplayingpiano.
#falsecreek #falsecreekvancouver #falsecreekseawall #falsecreekbikepath #undercambiebridge #dusk #pacificocean #pianosinthecity.
Today, we're in harmony. #youknowthethemesong by #ramindjawadi #pianosonthestreet #thelionandthewolfarebff #cosplay #cersei #gameofthrones #vancouverisawesome #asoiaf #asoiaffamily #instagood #femslash #glbt #eastvan #vancouver #asongoficeandfire #queensofinstagram #sansastark #queencersei #stark #houselannister #hearmeroar #love #tinycersei #jessicamelusine #thewolfandthedragon #hearmeroar #bff #bffgoals #lannister #paceyspianos #vancouver.
#vanccitylife #veryvancouver #lovearts #pianosinthestreet.
#我唱得不夠動人你別皺眉 🎶🎤 ____________________________________ #pianoonthestreet #paceyspianos #cfpacificcentre #downtownvancouverbc #summer #bluesky #music #musicislife #musically.
Pianos on the street.🎹🎼 #piano #paceyspianos #art #artsy #publicart #music #vancity #vancouver #vancityhype #yvr #pianoonthestreet #blues #jazz #instrumental.
Monday Special 🎹🎼🚙 #musictogo #lyricstogo #paceyspianos #streetmusic #pianosonthestreet #music #piano #pianoman #vancouverisawesome #vancityvibe #streetphotography #streettogs #everybodystreet #vancitybuzz #dailyhivevan #streettogs_yvr #vancouverstreetphotography #myfujifilm #xpro2 #23mm #fujifilm_xseries #fujifeed #fujilove #1project365🇨🇦.
Streets of beautiful Vancouver. . . #sidewalkart #streetmusicians #sidewalkpiano #urbanspace #streetlife #vancouver #sharedspace #loveislove #pianoonthestreet #vancouverpride #placeforpeoplevan.
#piano #pianointhestreet.
#piano #pianointhestreet.
Bye Bye Canada! See you soon! #vancouver #britishcolumbia #canada #piano #pianosonthestreet #uponpoppyhill #breakfastsong.
#downtown #morning #piano #pianointhestreet.
Music softens the pain, increases the joy, and opens the heart 🎹💙 • • • #thif #pianosonthestreet #purplepiano #internalartistry #physicalexpression #musicsoothesthesoul #pianoproject #prideweek #vancitypride #downtownvancouver #yvr #bc #westcoastbeatcoast #vancitygirl #vancityliving #lovinglife #livingfree.
A day filled with pleasantries, finished off by an unexpected concert from an unlikely pair 😍 #streetpianos #vancouver #falsecreek #bikeride #hearyourcity #lukepappin.
Play me! #pianosonthestreet #music #piano #seawall #falsecreek #vancouver #vancity #604 #sonynex6 #nex6.
"Don't ask what the world needs Ask what makes you come alive... Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." -howard thurman | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | #goldenhour #publicart #publicspaces #piano #pianosinthestreet #instatravel #travelbritishcolumbia #visitbritishcolumbia #visitvancouver #travelgram #intentionalwanderings #art #poetry #photography #music #travel #thesmallthings #liveinthemoment #shareyourlight #shareyourpassion.
Now taking requests... #Latergram #pianosonthestreet #vancouver.
Today I've learnt to play piano! 🎹🐶 #pianosonthestreet.
Outdoor piano duet! #livemusic #piano #outdoorpiano #vancouver #canada #irrisistablepiano #goodtimes #music #musttouchthekeys #pianoduet.
Scriabin Prelude #piano #pianovancouver #music #scriabin #vancouver #vancouvermusic.
Playing a few tunes @pianosonthestreet #withevrybrokenbone.
A little music in the park for everyone to enjoy. . . . . . . #vsco #vscocam #vancouver #vancitybuzz #instagood #vancity #summer #ourbc #outbackcollective #explorebc #explorecanada #imagesofcanada #thatpnwlife #summerinvancouver #awesupply #outdoorvancouver #adventurevisuals #pnwhikers #pnw #summerishere #summerbreak #sunny #vancouverisawesome #piano #pianointhepark #music.
Piano in vancover downtown.
Daily Adventures | 366 Project {193/366} A budding virtuoso! #366project #dailyadventures366project #pianosonthestreet #vancouver #scienceworld #britishcolumbia #blackandwhite @pianosonthestreet.
#KeysToTheStreets 🎹🎹🎹 #Piano #PlayAway 🎼 #Pianist #Chopin 🎶 #Kimipeli #PublicPianos #PinkPiano 🎹 #ICanPlay 🎵 #IsItMeYourLookingFor.
@eshillin takes stylistic cues from Chopin, Satie and the Mad Hatter #pianosonthestreet.
Earning my keep #vancity #pianosonthestreet #scienceworld.
First full day in #Vancouver was a huge win! So pumped to be here with @katisthebomb for my first #international race! #seawheeze.
Address: 725, Granville Street, Downtown, Vancouver, District of North Vancouver, Metro Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, V6Z 1G3, Canada
Matchless topic
―avenue17 ( 1 year ago )
What remarkable topic
―novopet ( 1 year ago )
In my opinion you are mistaken. I can defend the position. Write to me in PM, we will talk.
―novopet ( 1 year ago )
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