What? Shiplap without paint? Yep! We left one space unpainted and I must say it is one of my favorite spots. I like the contrast with the white in all the other rooms and the warmth it brings. This piano is from the 70’s and I have been planning to paint it!😱 What do you think? Paint it? What color??? Give me all your thoughts in the comments! 💕I bet there are some good ideas out there and I𠆝 love to hear them. . . . . . . . . . . #fourgablesfarmhouse #fourgables #fiveandunderfriday #farmhouselife #paintedpiano #farmhouseliving #farmhousehome #farmhouselove #farmhouseinspired #farmhouselife #farmhouse #farmhousedesign #farm #shiplap #shiplapwalls #woodsandwhites #mrskellystamps #thedesigntwinslovespring #farmlivinginspades #homegoodsfinds #antiquefarmhouse.
Address: 799, Wildrose Street, Booker, Pulaski County, Arkansas, 72117, United States
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