The piano tweak continues! I’ve already refinished the piano in @wiseowlpaint and wallpapered the keys with @scottlivinghome. Now I’m ready to add some studs! Check in with today’s stories to see this tweak in progress..
#mydetroit afternoon I dig this city! @experiencebluewater #detroit #wemovepeople #detroitsessions #pianointhepark #whatwillwedonext.
Oh, #Detroit you are forever my #nemesis . A 3-hour flight delay and now my #gps is giving me directions in #kilometers . At least you have randomly-placed painted pianos (?) #theresnoplacelikehome #frequentflyer #traveltales #wehadcowsinnyc #paintedpianos #8mile #wednesdaymorningcommute #ontheroadagain #workperks #wishyouwerehere.
Address: Grand Circus Park Garage, 1600, Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, 48226, United States
I have a baby grand I would like to donate.. any interest?
―Miller Alice ( 2 months ago )
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