pianos.pub - Find a public piano to play.

Updated 1 month ago

  • 2 years ago

    Le piano public en France n଄ Ma chaîne YouTube - Moyumi in Paris Cette vidéo - https://youtu.be/srj6dcNIlQQ パ�区、リヨン駅に設置されているストリートピアノ。 音の出ない鍵盤がいくつかありましたが、フランスで出会った駅ピアノの中では状態の良いものでした。 #リヨン駅 #パリリヨン駅 #駅ピアノ #ターミナル駅 #ストリートピアノ #ヤマハピアノ #アップライトピアノ #ストリートピアノ弾いてみた #オーシャンゼリゼ #パ�区 #パリ生活 #パリ散策 #ストピ #ピアノ好き #ピアノ #garedelyon #garedelyonparis #pianoengare #piano #stationpiano #publicpiano #publicpianos #streetpiano #pianophotography #pianophoto #paris #yamahapiano #uprightpiano #parislife #piano_et_moi
  • 4 years ago

    All the public pianos I had played in London and Paris up to the previous public piano post had been coincidentally just along the way of my travels. But since I’d already played 4 public pianos while in Europe, my wife and I thought that we might as well make a trip out of finding all the other public pianos in Paris! According to one article I found, the SNCF train company had placed public pianos in all of the major train stations in Paris - apparently there are 6. The pianos all say “À vous de jouer”, which the article translates as “It’s your turn to play”. This piano was in Gare de Lyon. I was surprised to find that it was a grand piano and that there were tons of people nearby. But disappointingly, the piano had tons of issues - half of it seemed to be in a completely different key compared to the other half. And there were numerous other problems as well. I played my own arrangement of the main theme of Castle in the Sky in the clip - you can hear the sometimes hypnotic, sometimes hilarious dissonances. Despite the atrocious sounds that came out of the piano, I still had appreciative applause after each of the few pieces I played 😝 #àvousdejouer #avousdejouer #pianoengare #garedelyon #garedelyonparis #castleinthesky #publicpiano #streetpiano #streetpianos #pianist #piano #classicalmusic #classicpiano #pianoclassics #pianoplaying #pianopractice #alwayspracticing #classicalpianist #musicianlife #musicianlifestyle #practicing #musician #musicislife
  • 5 years ago

    Liberté d𠆞xpression .. ? Voici la mienne ... 🎹 #piano #music #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #sncf #trainstation #yamaha #carllepianiste #musique #publicpiano #liberty
  • 6 years ago

    Ça vous est déjà arrivé de vous balader dans la rue ou d’aller prendre votre train et de tomber sur une voix qui vous interpelle ? Nous, on pense que ce genre de petits moments précieux peut arriver bien plus souvent que ce qu’on croit. Et c’est pour ça que @Teazit s'est donné pour mission de les partager. Merci à @xhinhua et à Yaël Colson d'avoir partagé ce moment magique avec nous et tous les passants de la #garedelyon ce jour-là 💙 / SWIP à droite pour voir la vidéo / . . Lien dans la bio pour télécharger gratuitement @teazit, l’ #appli de recommandations de #bonnesadresses et d’idées de sortie en vidéo 📲 . . #partage #découverte #decouverte #instantsuniques #playmeimyours #paris #parispiano #piano #violon #duo #gare #enattendantletrain #musique #chant #streetpiano #playmeparis #concert #talent #ParisMaVille #parismylove #parismonamour #thisisparis . .
  • 6 years ago

    #playmeimyours #music
  • 6 years ago

    FR 🇫🇷 En attendant le train, un air de piano… IT 🇮🇹 In attesa del treno, un aria di pianoforte… EN 🇬🇧 While waiting for the train, a little piece of piano… . 🎹🎼👩‍🎤🎶🚉 . #gocastoro #roamingbeavers #castor #castoro #beaver #paris #巴黎 #パリ #sncf #garedelyon #parisgaredelyon #pianoengare #piano #pianoforte #stationpiano #pianoforteinstazione #loungepiano #gare #stazione #trainstation #parisjetaime #igersparis #ig_paris
  • 7 years ago

    #blackandwithe #blackandwithephotography #streetstyle #video #goodsound #pianoengare #artist #paris #instaparis #goodsingers #playpiano #improvement #goodlife #streetpiano #blackandwithe #blackandwithevideo #streetstyle #video #goodsound #pianoengare #ilovepiano #artist #streetartist #instaartist #sncf #loveparis #instaparis #paris #iloveparis #goodlife #greattimes #niceday #france
  • 7 years ago

    A great thing about France is that in every airport and major train station there are playable public pianos. 3 musicians took turns over the course of an hour brightening up our waiting time. This idea needs to spread in the states. #france #trainstation #garedelyon #paris #parisfrance #publicpianos
  • 7 years ago

    #streetpianos #coolguy #goodfeeling #черныйчеловек

Address: McDonald's Originals, Rue de Chalon, Quartier des Quinze-Vingts, 12th Arrondissement, Paris, Ile-de-France, Metropolitan France, 75012, France

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