pianos.pub - Find a public piano to play.

  • 3 years ago

    The @derrypubliclibrary has a brand new patio, and a brand new #paintedpiano that celebrates Derry’s #alanshepard and the #apollo14 50th Anniversary. Special thanks to the @greaterderryartscouncil Public Arts Committee, artist @angelbaby830 & piano donor @elizabethrobidoux 🎹 Go check it out! . #destinationderrynh #derrynhculturaldistrict #myderry #derrynh #visitderrynh #derrynewhampshire #havingfunisnthardwhenyouvegotalibrarycard #summerreading #nhmusic #nhlibraries #nhlibrary #nasa #nasa🚀 #derrypubliclibrary

Address: Derry Public Library, 64, East Broadway, Garden Meadows, Derry Village, Derry, Rockingham County, New Hampshire, 03038, United States

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Available 3 years ago.

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