pianos.pub - Find a public piano to play.

  • 5 years ago

    🎵We like to move it, move it 🎵 Can’t find the #campuspiano? This month it’s in the #Bastille! ^TG #utwente #universityofculturalkicks #vrijhofvibes #shareyourtalent #playmepiano #piano #publicpiano #kawaipiano #weliketomoveitmoveit
  • 7 years ago

    📢New assignment! 📢 There will be a public piano on the Campus of the University of Twente! 🎹Tomorrow it will be placed in the foyer of the @vrijhofutwente and prof. @ppverbeek will be the first to play it at 12:30h. Want to share your talent and earn points in Shout with this piano? Check the app now! #utwenteshout #vrijhofvibes #utwente #publicpiano #campuspiano #kawaipiano

Address: Universiteit Twente, Horstlindelaan, Enschede, Overijssel, Netherlands, 7522JG, Netherlands

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