Kudos to the #yyt airport in St. John's, Newfoundland for having a mostly-tuned piano in the terminal! @theo.will.sing jammed out while we waited out a short flight delay. (Sound on! 🎶) #airportpiano #piano🎹 #publicpiano #newfoundland.
@BizArtsNL #comeplaywithmeNL home for a rest. #stinkincute.
So there’s a piano at St. John’s airport... #newfoundland #stjohns #playmeimyours #piano #publicpiano #ragtime.
Need to go back! Stat! ❤️.
Guess where I'm headed now? #explorenl #gomedia2017 #comeplaywithmenl #freepiano #getoffthepiano #midnightflight #dvorak #largo.
I met this little girl after dropping a friend at the airport. She wanted to sing #shapeofyou by @teddysphotos . @unicorn_moustaches you are a light. Keep shining. xo #airport #jams #piano #yyt #comeplaywithmenl.
Let the #RegionOnTheRock vacation begin! #ChildrenOfTheLight #comeplaywithmeNL.
Such a beautiful performance by Fangrao Cui (Symphony Cui) on the newly painted @jaghotel public piano. #ComePlayWithMeNL #yyt.
Address: St. John's International Airport, 100, World Parkway, St. John's, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, A1A 0H6, Canada
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