It’s not until you sit down at the keys that you realise how much you’ve missed it 🎹🎶 #piano #pianoman #publicpiano #airportpiano.
イタリア🇮🇹 フィウミチーノ空港のピアノ ローマ旅行で降り立った際、出口まで𰚲台もピアノがあった✨ 時間都合𰙱台目の𰟳分さわる 懐かしいYAMAHAの音♡♡ 海外でYAMAHAのグランドピアノに出会えるのはとても幸せ ここでイタリアに縁の無い曲を弾くのも失礼なので、うろ覚えながらマスカーニのカヴァレリア・ルスティカーナのIntelmezzoを何となくのコードで… 一発勝負ボロボロの音出しで終わったけれどいいのです✨ イタリアへの敬意とともに (11/03/2022 CET) #airportpiano #publicpiano #pianospelen #piano #Italy #Rome #fiumicino #fiumicinoairport #フィウミチーノ空港 #イタリア #ローマ #海外ストリートピアノ弾いてみた #ピアノ好きな人と繋がりたい.
Airport's plano cauda to keep my fingers warmed up. New EP approaching in few days! Photo by Özü #spacepianist #yamahapiano #fiumicino #airportpiano.
We are glad to inform you that after a long pause.. the Manu-Plays-Piano-in-the-Airport tour is re-starting. 1st Date Fiumicino ;) .. aplogize for the "stecche" #letsgetitstarted #petrucciani #pianointheairport #fuckcovid19.
Airports for Music (part 2) An improvised jazz moment called “Love is in the Air(port) #antimomagnotta #airport #piano #jazz #improvisation #joy #love #rome #italy #playmeimyours #spotifyartist #itunes #composer #feelgreat #lovepiano #music #jazzpiano #travelling #ciao.
I tasti del pianoforte sono neri e bianchi, ma suonano come un milione di colori nella tua mente. (Katie Melua) • • • • #🎹 #🎼 #🎧 #🎬 #airportpianoplaying #streetpianoperformance #streetartist #streetpiano #turkishmarchmozart #turkishmarch #piratesofthecaribbean #springwaltz #oldtownroadpianocover.
5 years ago
Ciampi aka Boston black 6 ft grand piano in Terminal 3 at gate D2 (closer to D3 near the café, look for the small patch of blue carpet). -
Guess which song you will sing in this simple piano Progression Comments fast😍 . . #CIAMPI #Piano #romantic #amolkeys #music #pianocover #piano #italy #italianmusic #airport #airportpiano #bollywoodsongs #hollywoodsongs #pianolover #amolkeys.
Guess which song you will sing in this simple piano Progression Comments fast😍 . . #CIAMPI #Piano #romantic #amolkeys #music #pianocover #piano #italy #italianmusic #airport #airportpiano #bollywoodsongs #hollywoodsongs #pianolover #amolkeys.
Czasami trzeba pograć, a ten kawaᐮk wszyscy znają... #piano #piratesofthecaribbean #pianist #fcu #fiumicino #airport #airportpiano #grandoiano #yamaha #airplane #me #travel #enjoy #otwartyfortepiantodobryznak.
On our way to Chile, running to get some food and drinks, I found the piano I want for my birthday.... 😋😋😋😝😝😝 Will miss practicing, until my piano arrives from Moscow. 😢😢😅😅🥺🥺 One minute, one song and one shot by Rafa!!!! I would have loved to stay longer, but but we almost lost the plane. #ludovicoeinaudi #nefeli #piano #lifepassion #airportpiano.
I think I have a collection of these from different cities 🎹 🎼, #streetpiano #airportpiano #playmeimyours #rome #littlepleasures.
Practicing until the very last moment at Roma Airport! And now flying to St-Petersbourg to play with a candidate at the Tchaikovski Competition!!! I’m so excited! :D #piano #airport #romaairport #music #classicalpiano #practising #pianolife #pianist #professionalpianist #tchaikovskicompetition #flying #trip #traveling #pianoattheairport #musicianslifestyle #musician #pianiste #aeroport.
Look at what you can find on Facebook! 😱😃 By the way, is there anybody else who would like to make a clip 🎬 🎥? 🤪😉 . https://www.facebook.com/100015523930470/posts/566942883833171?s=100014596123358&sfns=xmo . #friendship #piano #pianocover #pianoforte #airportpiano #airportmusic #fiumicinopiano #fiumicinoairport #fiumicino #iamblue #imblue #blue #eiffel65.
“Alba o Tramonto quando il cielo e’ fiero di se e si ammira affacciandosi sullo specchio mare calmo mentre la natura mette a disposizione i suoi più’ grandi suonatori. e la brezza è una carezza in grado di assopire ogni affanno con la calma che riempira’ l’assenza di pensieri nei meandri della mente “ FJK Positive Vibes (Top Secret Release 2018) #fjk #positivevibes #deephouse #motibusrecords #vibration #positivevibrations #next #newtracks #sunrise #sunset #lawofattraction #quantummechanics #airportpiano #piano #pianoforte.
Address: Terminal 3, Via Generale Felice Santini, Fiumicino, Roma Capitale, Lazio, 00054, Italy
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